С давних времен человека привлекала идея использования энергии ветра и волн. Если [url801289]парусный спорт[/url801289] родился благодаря практическим нуждам человека...
Издание на английском языке the ideal companion for those who are about to start, or who have recently begun, the increasingly popular sport of [url286956]windsurfing[/url286956] rya start windsurfing is designed as both an accompaniment to the rya start windsurfing...
Издание на английском языке formerly rya log on to windsurfing, this title has been completely overhauled and designed to run in line with the national windsurfing syllabus. sections include windsurfing stages 1-4 and racing from beginner to advanced. ideal for children...
Издание на английском языке the sport of windsurfing is a fun and exciting way to get out on the water! the rya youth windsurfing scheme gives you the chance to progress and gain certificates, whether you want to go fast and race, or team freestyle skills! this third...
Издание на английском языке [url00-00005917]windsurfing[/url00-00005917] offers something for everyone, an addictive sport for all ages and abilities. the rya scheme has been designed to help you progress rapidly through the sport whether you are looking to cruise around...
Эта книга станет замечательной помощницей всем, кто мечтает приобщиться к одному из самых популярных сегодня видов водного спорта - [url286956]виндсерфингу[/url286956]. Она...
[url286956]windsurfing[/url286956] is an exhilarating and accessible sport. we are excited that you are taking the next step and either qualifying as a rya instructor or continuing your progression along the rya pathway, helping to pass knowledge on to others, enabling them to enjoy and progress in...