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RYA Weather Forecasts Погода
contents your weather forecast gmdss, navtex, internet weather information and forecasts available in the uk shipping forecasts inshore waters forecasts land area forecasts forecasts on local radio forecasts via the coastguard gale and strong wind warnings forecast for fishing fleets television...
RYA Weather Handbook - Southern Hemisphere
everyone who goes to sea understands the importance of the weather and the necessity of obtaining an accurate forecast. good skippers study the weather and plan their trips to take maximum advantage of present and forecast conditions. this book covers the knowledge required by skippers up to rya...
The Sailors Book of the Weather
[url3799]meteorology[/url3799] can seem like a black art with the meteorologist producing [url455700]forecasts[/url455700] that seem to contradict what you are reading from the charts. the sailor's book of the [url193548]weather[/url193548] takes the confusion out of the forecasts and helps you...
Weather Handbook. Справочник по погоде
this book is one of over 100 published by the rya. some relate to specific training courses and are a valuable study and learning aid. others provide technical, legal or general boating advice. contents foreword 1.introduction 2.theory charts 4.clouds 5.depressions 6.depressions in...
Instant Wind Forcasting
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instant wind forecasting is a book that prompts questions - and provides some answers - as to what the wind may do in different circumstances. it does not pretend to cover all situations - if such a book could be written it would be vastly bigger than this - but i hope that it will...