Weather & Tidal
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Weather companion
these spiral-bound cards contain all the weather information people find hard to remember such as sea areas, coastal stations, cloud systems, how to predict the weather around lows and highs, times of broadcasts and the terms used in broadcasts. with a chinagraph pencil you can fill in details and...
Weather at sea. 4 edition (Погода на море)
Книга на английском языке. Подробнее о погоде на море см . здесь Содержание i introducing weather z introducing weather maps 3 the wind on the deck 4 the message of the clouds 5 the life of a depression 6 weather information -...
Skipper's Onboard Emergency Guide
spiral bound with laminated pages to protect against the effects of [url513002]the weather[/url513002], this is an invaluable quick cockpit reference for anyone finding themselves in an [url257445]emergency at sea[/url257445]. packed with practical accessible advice on the most common emergencies...
RYA Heavy Weather Sailing Управление яхтой в штормовую погоду
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adlard coles' [url513002]heavy weather[/url513002] sailing provides you with expert advice for when you venture out of sight of land, whether for racing or cruising. it gives a clear message of seamanlike design features, preparations, and tactics that you should consider against the time when it...