Stationary - Log Books - Etc
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RYA Sail Logbook. Яхтенный судовой журнал
introduction the main function of a logbook is to provide a logical framework for the recording of navigational and related information. it should be sufficiently detailed to enable an estimated position to be plotted by reference to previous entries. on a coastal passage entries will often be a...
Passage Planning Companion. Компаньон по планированию плавания
В книге отсутствуют страницы: 17, 18 proper planning and preparation prevents pitiably poor performance. any (exasperated) military instructor many leisure craft sail without the skipper preparing a passage plan. under chapter v, regulation v/34 of the...
RYA Sail & Power Logbook
Издание на английском языке the main function of a logbook is to provide a logical framework for the recording of navigational and related information. it should be easy to use and flexible enough so that navigators can record all that they feel important in a way that...