southeast asia pilot 5th edition (2016) sees major updates to the chapters on thailand, malaysia, indonesia, philippines (palawan), indonesia, raja ampat and [url153393]palau[/url153393] – with lesser updates to myanmar, vietnam, hong kong, the [url150604]andamans[/url150604] and singapore...
Издание на английском языке. cruising guide indonesia covers everything the prudent navigator needs to safely ply the indonesian waters and enjoy the largest and best island nation in the world...indonesia refers to itself as this sovereign land and seas of ours’, for it...
every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this book. it contains selected information and thus is not definitive and does not include all known information on the subject in hand; this is particularly relevant to the plans, which should not be used for navigation. the author believes...
Книга на английском языке. east africa offers some beautiful cruising along the coasts of several colourful countries. however, it rarely gets a mention in cruising guides and most boats heading west across the indian ocean head straight down to south africa, or go up...
the information in this volume comes from various sources: publications, cruising notes, reports from friends and local seafarers. first thanks go to the crews taking turns on board the dhoni stella boats from 2006 to 2008 and, in particular, to the owner of the yachts, ali shareef...
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