Книга посвящена малоизученной севастопольской эпохе в жизни Льва Николаевича Толстого, ее влиянию на творчество величайшего русского писателя. Л. Н. Толстой...
Книга на немецком языке das alte linienschiff, das die marine bereits 1915 aufier dienst gestellt hatte, kam in der reichsmarine zu neuen ehren: ab 1924 wieder bestandteil der flotte, ab-solvierte die elsass in den folgejahren viel beachtete auslandsreisen, um in dem harten...
Издание на немецком языке. bei der aufgabe, deren losung uns hier beschaftigt, darf man den einflub nichtaus den augen verlieren, welchen auf die dar-stellung der kartenumrisse und der allgemeinen bildung der festlander meinungen, vermuthungen und wunsche ausgeubt haben,...
Существовала ли легендарная Атлантида? Со времен Платона над этим вопросом немало ломали голову сотни исследователей. Тысячелетиями домыслы о ее трагической...
Оценка нашего послевоенного подводного флота до сих пор остается одним из самых спорных и “темных” вопросов истории - в большинстве исследований на данную тему...
30 августа 1873 г. австро-венгерская экспедиция под руководством К. Вайпрехта и Ю. Пайера на судне “Тегеттгоф” во время дрейфа в Северном Ледовитом океане,...
Книга на английском языке the tiny new state of the united provinces of the netherlands won its independence from the mighty spanish empire by fighting and winning the eighty years' war, from 1568 and 1648. in this long conflict, warfare on water played a much bigger role in...
Книга на английском языке in 1908 the most incredible naval arms race in history began. flush with cash from rubber and coffee, brazil decided to order three of the latest, greatest category of warship available – the dreadnought battleship. one brazilian dreadnought by...
Книга на английском языке a compelling account of the heavily armed and highly mobile soviet river gunboats which took on the germans during world war ii. russia's enormous river system has long been its highway and, as early as 1908, the tsar's armies were developing...
Книга на английском языке since our founding in 1963, the national maritime historical society has striven to tell the stories, great and small, that make up the wondrous panorama of our maritime history. over the last six decades, hundreds of thousands of readers have...
«[url00-01043689]Цусима[/url00-01043689] » - книга об одном из величайших в истории морских сражении, в котором автор этой книги принимал личное участие. Он собирал материалы для...
Книга на английском языке fully illustrated with stunning artwork, chinese ironclad battleship vs japanese protected cruiser is the engrossing story of the yalu river campaign, where chinese and japanese warships fought for control of korea. the 1894–95 war between china...
Книга на английском языке during world war ii, the kriegsmarine armed a number of merchant vessels with concealed guns and torpedo tubes for surprise attacks against allied shipping. to counter this deadly threat, the royal navy employed cruisers and their...
Книга на английском языке as we have observed in last year’s volume, ship finance has long been the preserve of specialists in the field operating in an environment where market participants all knew each other, where knowledge was evenly shared by those participants and...
В книге Уолтера Лорда, выдержавшей в США свыше 10 изданий, рассказывается о лайнере “Титаник”, его короткой жизни и полной драматизма гибели. Написанная на основе...
Книга на английском языке a superbly illustrated examination of how the us navy's most powerful fleet fought the vietnam war, covering all of its elements from aircraft carriers and heavy cruisers to minesweepers and oilers. the us navy's seventh fleet was at the forefront...
Книга на английском языке this is a behind-the-scenes look at cruise ships in a way that's never been done before. some of the stories are shocking, some are enlightening, but most are just laugh-out-loud entertaining. this tour behind those "crew only" doors will reveal: -...
Книга на английском языке as the possibility of war loomed in the 1930s, the british admiralty looked to update their fleet of destroyers to compete with the new ships being built by germany and japan, resulting in the commissioning of the powerful tribal-class. these were...
Книга на английском языке the soviet navy that faced the german onslaught in 1941 boasted a mixture of modern warships, often built with foreign technical assistance, and antiquated warships from the tsarist era that were modernised for the conflict. some soviet naval...