Документ продается с актуализацией на дату продажи! Правила обработки персональных данных в Федеральном агентстве водных ресурсов утв. Приложением n 1 к приказу...
Издание на английском языке simon rainey qc’s commentary on bimco’s offshore industry forms has grown considerably since the first edition when the number of forms was fewer. in parallel with bimco’s efforts to ensure that all major aspects of the ever varied...
Издание на английском языке this book considers governance and policy-making within the maritime sector, and focuses significantly on the dimensional context within which governance works. recognising the importance of understanding governance and policy at times when...
Издания на английском языке the shipping law review (fourth edition) 2017 year the fourth edition of this book aims to continue to provide those involved in handling shipping disputes in multiple jurisdictions with an overview of the key issues relevant to each...
Издание на английском языке this publication forms part of a research project on the regulatory «anatomy» and governance structures of the [url00-01016743]baltic sea[/url00-01016743] and for the baltic sea region. the baltreg project (2015–2018), run by Еbo akademi...
Издание на английском языке the international maritime organization (imo), as the united nations specialized agency responsible for the regulation of shipping engaged in international trade from the points of view of [url00-01010479]maritime safety[/url00-01010479] and...
Издание на английском языке the idea for this book grew out of an interest in [url00-01020831]maritime security[/url00-01020831] triggered by former prime minister howard’s announcement of a maritime identification zone that would extend 1,000 nautical miles from...
Издание на английском языке maritime law, including maritime employment, is the testing ground for the globalisation process, which is encouraging the gradual internationalisation of both economies and societies, driven by innovations in technology and communications....
Издание на английском языке the united nations convention on the law of the sea (unclos) has been in force for a quarter of a century now. it establishes a comprehensive legal regime for the oceans - the major site of interaction between states on the planet, and an area...
Книга издана по материалам 1884 года. Двухтомное исследование Ф. Перельса «Современное морское международное право. Состояние мира. [url00-01020604]Состояние...
Книга на английском языке. interest in autonomous ships has grown exponentially over the past few years. whereas a few years ago, the prospect of unmanned and autonomous vessels sailing on the seas was considered unrealistic, the debate now centers on when and in what format...
Книга на английском языке. the criminalisation of seafarers has been observed as a growing phenomenon for more than forty years, presenting a picture of increasing liability upon the master even though their responsibilities remain essentially unchanged in generations of...
См. также [url00-01092279]legal handbook shipmaster 2024[/url00-01092279] Книга на английском языке this book is the worldwide international standard handbook for the shipmaster and all other interested parties whatever the ships flag state or nationality of the crew...
Книга на английском языке this guide provides the international practitioner and in-house counsel with a comprehensive worldwide legal analysis of shipping laws and regulations. it is divided into two main sections: five general chapters. these chapters are designed to...
Книга на английском языке the main goal of the netherlands shipmasters' association (nederlandse vereniging van kapiteins ter koopvaardij, nvkk) is to improve the safety at sea on board, while protecting the environment and the interests of masters and merchant shipping in...
Книга на английском языке the purpose of this syllabus is to give the master sufficient actual working knowledge of the major dutch maritime legislation in order to enable him to fulfil all his tasks and responsibilities in relation to the ship, its crew, its cargo, the...
Документ продается с актуализацией на дату продажи! Начало действия документа - 01.09.2024 Приказ Минтранса России от 22.02.2024 n 66 "Об установлении порядков ведения...
В соответствии с программой курса, которая исходит в первую очередь из соображений учебно-методического порядка, настоящая работа называется учебником морского...
В учебном пособии даны основы международно-правового разграничения и правового положения морских пространств, континентального шельфа и морского дна в...