Техническая, учебная, справочная и эксплуатационная литература по морскому флоту
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Skipper’s Cockpit Navigation Guide
См. также [url477392]skipper's cockpit guide[/url477392] Книга на английском языке. Справочник задуман издательством как непромокаемый, для хранения и применения на яхте. whether planning a...
Marine Fuel Oil Advisory/Консультации по морскому топливу
Книга на английском языке the abs advisory on marine fuel oil was issued to help the industry prepare for imo’s 2020 global sulfur cap. the advisory provides owners and operators with guidance on the considerations and challenges with the marine fuels which are likely to...
Engine room instructions/Инструкции для машинного отделения
Книга на английском языке these engine room instructions are based in accordance with imo's international convention on standards of training, certification and watchkeeping for seafarers, 1978, as amended in 2010 as per the manila amendments (stcw-convention). contents 1...
Книга на английском языке the book contains information on the worldwide shipping practice. contents global overview australia brazil chile china colombia croatia cyprus england & wales estonia france germany ghana hong kong india indonesia italy japan korea latvia...
Ports & Terminals/Порты и терминалы
Книга на английском языке ports and terminals are vital to the global economy. in the us and china, the world’s two largest economies, more than 90 per cent of imported and exported cargo moves through commercial ports. for coastal states and islands such as those in the...
Sumed Arab Petroleum Pipelines Company
Книга на английском языке the purpose of this guide is to outline for owners, charterers and masters of vessels calling at ain sukhna marine terminal the general nature of conditions, facilities, services and procedures that should be respected at the terminal. it does not...