Техническая, учебная, справочная и эксплуатационная литература по морскому флоту
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Bridge Instructions / Инструкция для рубки
Книга на английском языке the bridge instructions are based in acccordance with imo's international convention on standards of training, certification and watchkeeping for seafarers, 1978, as amended in 2010 as per the manila amendments (stcw-convention), ics's bridge...
Canadian Chart 1. Symbols, Abbreviations and Terms
Книга на английском и французском языках chart 1 is a publication containing explanations of the symbols, abbreviations and terms needed to interpret nautical charts published by the canadian hydrographic service. member nations of the international hydrographic...
Control Valve Handbook/Руководство по регулировочным клапанам
Книга на английском языке См также [url00-01091078]control valve handbook sixth edition 2023[/url00-01091078] control valves are an increasingly vital component of modern manufacturing around the world. properly selected and maintained control valves increase...
Elements of hydrodynamic propulsion/Элементы гидродинамической тяги
Книга на английском языке this is a treatment of a number of aspects of the theory of hydrodynamic propulsion. it has been written with in mind technical propulsion systems generally based on lift producing profiles. we assume the fluid, which is admitted in conventional...
Manual de Formacion a bordo/Руководство по обучению на борту
Книга на испанском языке basandonos de la propia normativa у la siniestralidad en el sector, entendemos que el manual de formacion a bordo es una herramienta basica para reducir las consecuencias de un accidente maritimo, complementado con un buen entrenamiento. el protocolo...
Shallow Water Hydraulics/Гидравлика в условиях мелководья
Книга на английском языке the purpose of shallow water hydraulics is to present the theory and the computation of open channel flows using analytical, numerical, and experimental results. the book’s target audience includes graduate and undergraduate students as well as...