Тренажер является неотъемлемой частью практической подготовки персонала по калибровке, обслуживанию и использованию приборов газового анализа. Тренажер "...
Рассматривается географическое распространение, толщина и сплоченность арктического морского ледяного покрова и дается оценка масштабов и направленности...
В издание вошли записи и комментарии Ч. Дарвина, английского естествоиспытателя, натуралиста и путешественника, получившего известность как родоначальника...
В данный сборник включены тезисы докладов, отражающих наиболее серьёзные результаты исследований советских ученых в области физики океанов и морей и техники их...
В книге дано описание 125 минеральных вод, разливаемых в бутылки, причем количество названий этих вод несколько увеличено в сравнении с описанными в третьем...
В рекомендациях изложены основы управления судном при плавании в различных условиях. Большое внимание обращено на физический смысл явлений, сопровождающих...
Тематика и содержание лабораторных работ соответствует программе учебной дисциплины «Основы несения штурманской вахты», предусмотренной учебным планом по...
Книга на английском языке considerable changes have occurred in shipbuilding practice with the introduction of new technology and this book attempts to present modern shipyard techniques without neglecting basic principles. contents preface acknowledgments part 1...
Книга на английском языке the history, origin and environmental properties and characteristics of the oceans, not only the present but also the primitive ones, are an excellent framework which allows to re-build old stages of our planet, as well as the processes which have...
Книга на английском языке the proper, adequate and satisfactory stowage and securing of items of cargo are of the utmost importance for the safety of the crew, the carrying ship, and the items of cargo themselves. if items of cargo are not stowed and secured in a proper...
Книга на английском языке based on the presentations made during the 4th international workshop on anti-pollution and marine coastal water pollution1, this book gathers together information on the impacts of oil-spills at a coastal level from different experts’ points of...
Книга на английском языке a practical, legal reference work for the shipmaster to help protect his ship and those on board against pirates in the gulf of aden and along a section of the coast of east africa, in the official high-risk area (hra). this practical manual, with a...
Книга на английском языке this document is volume 2 of the abs cybersafety series. it provides cyber-related safety and security requirements and recommendations for the assessment of company cybersecurity systems. it also provides guidance for vessel readiness for...
Книга на английском языке as i consider the journey that has led to this most recent amendment to the [url00-01006186]imdg code[/url00-01006186] , i think it is worth reflecting on how far we have come as an industry. modern regulations and guidance, here expanded and...
Книга на английском языке use this guide to help prepare for a survey. it explains what the surveyor will be looking at during the ‘out of water’ and ‘on board’ survey. find out what things you can check before the survey or inspection so that you can identify and...
Книга на английском языке См также [url00-01091839]control valve handbook fourth edition 2005[/url00-01091839] in the full-color fifth edition of the process control industry’s go-to resource for valves, you can find helpful sizing charts, industry terms and...
Книга на английском языке the rules and regulations for the classification of offshore units cover units engaged in offshore operations, including drilling, oil production and storage, accommodation and other support functions, which generally operate within a flag state's...
Книга на английском языке the rules and regulations for the classification of inland waterways ships (iww) were developed for but are not limited to ships operations on european inland waterways. these rules are now applied more broadly. the iww rules include parts on: dry...