Книга на английском языке. this book investigates the future state of maritime organizations, the future of work in the maritime industry, seafarers, onshore employees, employers, definition of remote work amidst changes and new regulations in new world normal to reveal how...
Книга на английском языке. this guide for ballast water treatment is provided for the use of designers, builders, owners and operators of vessels classed with abs and specifies the requirement for obtaining the optional classification notations ballast water treatment (bwt)...
Книга на английском языке. the optimal route report examines strategies to reduce greenhouse gases in shipping, offers guide to decarbonisation role of digital technologies.the report goes on to outline the industry’s ‘pathway to 2050’, highlighting the policy-based...
Книга на английском языке. [url00-01024284]the maritime labour convention, 2006[/url00-01024284], as amended, (mlc, 2006), was adopted by the 94th (maritime) session of the international labour conference (ilc) on 23 february 2006. the mlc, 2006 entered into force on 20...
Книга на английском языке. [url00-01024284]the maritime labour convention, 2006 (mlc)[/url00-01024284], otherwise known as the seafarers’ bill of rights, incorporates and builds on sixty eight existing maritime labour conventions and recommendations, as well as more...
Книга на английском языке. with the recent improvement of sensing technology, development of communication between ships and shore, and development of technology for big data analysis, efforts to utilize hull monitoring, which is intended to contribute to improving the...
Книга на английском языке. the quarterly publication of crew watch is aimed directly at members’ crew with practical advice of topical safety, health and welfare issues. contents warning oil spill on deck pilot ladders the dangers involved prediabetes how to spot the...
Книга на английском языке. this guidelines will lead to further improvements in the living and working environments on board ships. this guidelines for excellent living and working environment so that the notation «excellent living and working environment» (abbreviated as...
Книга на английском языке. electrical calculations required for exams can prove difficult to master, but for more than 40 years, this book series has proved very helpful to students and professional electrical engineers studying for electrical qualifications. it covers all...
Книга на английском языке energy demand has been rising remarkably due to increasing population and urbanization. global economy and society are significantly dependent on the energy availability because it touches every facet of human life and its activities....
В книге, состоящей из четырех разделов, рассматриваются основные вопросы теории и эксплуатации судовых электростанций, электроприводов, гребных электрических...
В книге изложены основные теоретические сведения по электрическим машинам. В соответствующих разделах учебника рассмотрены конструкции, принципы действия и...
Книга на английском языке. search and rescue (sar) is the search for and provision of lifesaving assistance to people in distress and imminent danger of loss of life. australian sar arrangements are intended to complement other emergency services (police, fire, ambulance) in...
Книга на английском языке. maritime lecturers chosen for the conduct of certificate of competency and modular courses will be fully qualified in the subject matter of the courses which they are going to teach. they may however be less familiar with training techniques and...
Математическое моделирование переходных и аварийных режимов в судовых ядерных ППУ с водо-водяными реакторами. Выбор и обоснование математических моделей...
Репринтное издание В книге предпринята попытка систематизировать широкий круг вопросов по основам теории, конструкциям и эксплуатации судовых и стационарных...
Репринтное издание В книге изложены вопросы обеспечения радиационной безопасности и техники дозиметрического контроля на судах с ядерными энергетическими...
В книге рассмотрены схемы судовых установок, предназначенных для получения пара и пресной воды, определены пути их рационального использования на судах и морских...