Книги на английском языке Издание 2018 года cybertechnologies have become essential to the operation and management of numerous systems critical to the safety and security of shipping and protection of the marine environment. risk management is fundamental...
Рассмотрены виды лесосплава и судовых перевозок лесоматериалов. Описаны лесосплавные пути и гидродинамика потока при лесосплаве. Даны характеристики...
Книга на английском языке. a completely revised and updated edition of the classic and comprehensive guide to the construction rules for power boilers their intent, application, and interpretation. this unique guide provides expert advice and useful information for design...
Книга на английском языке. advanced welding and deforming explains the background theory, working principles, technical specifications, and latest developments on a wide range of advanced welding-joining and deforming techniques. the book's subject matter covers...
Книга на английском языке. based on the author's thirty years of hands-on experience working in the field of industrial fuel systems and combustion equipment safety, this book integrates safety codes with practical, tested, and proven guidance that makes it viable to...
Книга на английском языке. as critically important as welding is to a wide spectrum of manufacturing, construction, and repair, it is not without its problems. those dependent on welding know only too well how easy it is to find information on the host of available processes...
В учебнике изложены вопросы теории идеального газа, основные законы термодинамики и термодинамические циклы тепловых двигателей и холодильных машин....
Издание на английском языке sanctions are an ever more popular tool used by the united nations, the united states, the european union, the united kingdom and individual states as a visible sign of disapproval and as a means of achieving foreign and economic policy goals....
Техническая эксплуатация флота в общей системе «[url805271]морской транспорт[/url805271]» может рассматриваться, как составная часть первого элемента процесса...
В книге изложены основные сведения о морских судах, их оснастке, вооружении и снабжении, о работах по поддержанию судна в надлежащем техническом состоянии, а также...
Книга на английском языке. the national maritime search and rescue (nmsar) manual is the standard reference document and promulgates the agreed methods of coordination through which m-sar operations are conducted within india. the manual is used by all seafarers and those...
Книга на английском языке. written by a welding/metallurgical engineer with over 40 years of experience, arc welding processes handbook delivers the welding and materials expertise required to master complex welding processes and techniques to ensure that the task is done...
Рассмотрена проблема снижения параметров колебаний цилиндровых втулок судовых дизелей. На основе проведенных исследований предлагаются методы предотвращения...
Издание на английском языке fuel requirement for the transport sector is a function of population growth. currently, the automotive industry is powered extensively by fossil fuels. diesel- and gasolinepowered vehicles contribute heavily to environmental pollution by...
Издание на английском языке ship construction- sketch (q.4 as per the pattern) 1. with a sketch, show various views of corrugated bulkhead, showing its connection with the shell plating and deck. 2. sketch and label a diagram of watertight corrugated transverse bulkhead...
Книга на английском языке. this book is focused on low-carbon fuels, which seem to be preferable class of fuels for internal combustion engines (ices). it is simple understanding that if input fuel has a low carbon in its chemical constitute, then tailpipe emissions will...
Издание на английском языке shipping is one of many stakeholders competing for use of the oceans; however, ships occupy a significant place for transportation of goods and people around the world. the world’s oceans provide energy, food, raw materials, trade,...
Издание на английском языке for the last 60 years, the primary form of ship propulsion consisted of diesel engines delivering thrust directly to the water via a shaft and propeller. however, with current technological advances, an increasing number of options are now...
Книга на английском языке. this book is written on the base of a lecture course taught by the author at the faculty of mechanical engineering and marine technology at the rostock university in germany. the course contains fourteen lectures which include main principles of...