Техническая, учебная, справочная и эксплуатационная литература по морскому флоту
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Boiler Operator’s Handbook/Справочник оператора котла
Книга на английском языке Издание 2004 года this book is written for the boiler operator, an operating engineer or stationary engineer by title, who has knowledge and experience with operating boilers but would like to know more and be able to operate his...
Competence Assurance Guidelines for F(P)SOs
Издание на английском языке this document is a guide to establishing the basic skills and knowledge requirements to safely operate f(p)so installations and the training and competence assessment of f(p)so personnel. it has been produced in cooperation with the marine...
Средства очистки жидкостей на судах
Собраны сведения, касающиеся выбора, проектирования и эксплуатации систем очистки жидкостей: топлива, масла, рабочих жидкостей, питательной воды. Рассмотрены...
Elements of Ocean Engineering/Элементы океанотехники
Книга на английском языке ocean engineering is simply defined as the application of engineering principles to the ocean environment. ocean engineering is a very challenging field addressing the use of this vast ocean frontier while striving to protect the same ocean...
Deck Stowage and Securing of Pipes/Укладка и крепление труб на палубе
Издание на английском языке there have been a number of losses or part losses over the last few years of blocks of pipes stowed on deck, principally on the hatch covers. much consideration has been given to the reasons for those losses and ways by which such stowages may...
Global Cybersecurity Index/Индекс глобальной кибербезопасности
Издание на английском языке the global cybersecurity index report shows that many countries enacted new cybersecurity legislation and regulations to address areas such as privacy, unauthorized access, and online safety. it also emphasizes the need to establish strategies...