Техническая, учебная, справочная и эксплуатационная литература по морскому флоту
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Risk Focus: Identifying major areas of risk
Издание на английском языке with its team of risk assessors, the uk club is in a unique position to gather data and target areas of risk onboard ships. following on from our risk focus: consolidated 2016 brochure, our loss prevention and crew health departments, together...
Pilot Ladder Manual - Advanced
Издание на английском языке [url00-01015466]pilot[/url00-01015466] embarkation and disembarkation normally takes place when the vessel is underway or alongside a berth, but it may also take place when the vessel is at anchor. possible transfer methods include by pilot...
Technical Guidelines - Marine & Offshore Insulation
Издание на английском языке in the technical guidelines you will find: - general information about standards and test methods within marine and offshore. - practical information and advice about insulation and installation procedures. - detailed information about our...
Живучесть боевого надводного корабля
На основании боевого опыта в русско-японскую войну 1904 - 1905 гг. и в империалистическую войну 1914-1918 гг. автор внимательно рассматривает с точки зрения живучести...
Эксплуатация морских месторождений
В монографии выполнены научные исследования по обоснованию оптимальных комплексов нового самостоятельного направления народного хозяйства — эксплуатация и...
Risk focus: Hatch covers
this brochure has been designed to help those involved in inspecting, testing and evaluating the weathertight integrity of [url00-01020773]hatch covers[/url00-01020773] in making well informed decisions, and assist owners and shipboard personnel in maintaining their hatch covers and closing...
Guidelines for hatch covers/Руководство по крышкам люков
Издание на английском языке as the domestic and international [url00-01018410]carriage of goods by sea[/url00-01018410] continues to increase, cargo damage claims against shipowners have increased. based on the claims record of the korea p&i club since being...
MARPOL - How to do it. МАРПОЛ - Как это сделать?
Издание на английском языке this manual provides useful, practical information to governments, particularly those of developing countries, on the technical, economic and legal implications of ratifying, implementing and enforcing the [url00-01012779]marpol...