На четырех языках говорят на берегах Финского залива: на русском, финском, шведском и эстонском. Четыре ветра четырех поэзий под парусом белой ночи сплетаются в...
Бюллетень “Военно-морская литература” издается с 1941 года ежемесячно Центральной военно-морской библиотекой в целях информации военнослужащих, сотрудников...
Книга на ангийском языке the publication is intended to assist vessels operating in ice in all canadian waters, including the arctic. this document will provide mariners of vessels transiting canadian ice-covered waters with the necessary understanding of the regulations,...
Книга на двух языках - английском и французском this publication, the atlas of tidal currents - st. lawrence estuary from cap de bon-d?sir to trois-rivi?res, replaces the one published in 1939 by the canadian hydrographic service: tidal currents charts, st....
Книга на двух языках - английском и французском the tides and tidal streams constitute one of the most important oceanographic features of the coastal waters of british columbia. in addition to their clearly evident navigational significance, they strongly...
Книга на двух языках - английском и французском these 36 charts provide a comprehensive view of the hourly speed and direction of the major tidal currents of the bay of fundy and the gulf of maine, including georges bank. the user can obtain the speed and...
Книга на английском языке the purpose of creating this book was to enable inspectors, yard engineers and/or ship crews to access information and applicable solutions more easily. in general words, i can say that i tried to offer a study which includes all my experiences and...
Книга на английском языке chart 1 is a publication containing explanations of the symbols, abbreviations and terms needed to interpret nautical charts published by the canadian hydrographic service. member nations of the international hydrographic organization produce chart...
Книга на английском языке this manual describes how to operate and maintain a bcp propeller with a bcx type od box. contents 1. technical specification 2. propeller & shaft propeller and shafting hub design oil pressure coupling type omc oil pipe od box lub. &...
Командирская книжка в заполненном виде – документ строгой отчетности Форма Командирской книжки разработана на основании Приложения 3 к Приказу Росгвардии от...
Книга на английском языке at twilight on december 3, scire had sailed from the italian submarine base at la spezia in northern italy under strictest secrecy. crews of other submarines at the base were entirely ignorant of her mission. even her own crew knew nothing of the...
Издание на итальянском языке rivista marittima - la rivista marittima, pubblicazione mensile della marina militare, e stata fondata dal ministero della marina nel lontano 1868.
Издание на итальянском языке rivista marittima - la rivista marittima, pubblicazione mensile della marina militare, e stata fondata dal ministero della marina nel lontano 1868.
Книга на итальянском языке rivista marittima - la rivista marittima, pubblicazione mensile della marina militare, e stata fondata dal ministero della marina nel lontano 1868.
Издание на итальянском языке rivista marittima - la rivista marittima, pubblicazione mensile della marina militare, e stata fondata dal ministero della marina nel lontano 1868.
Сборник "Морская старина" охватывает различные аспекты истории морской авиации СССР, судостроения, мореплавания и морских войн, начиная с предвоенных лет....
Журнал на датском языке the divers club er et nummer af et specialiseret blad for dykkerentusiaster. dette nummer indeholder artikler og materialer om forskellige aspekter af dykning, herunder dykkerudstyr, dykkerteknikker, interessante dykkersteder samt tips og historier fra...
Издание на английском языке world fishing, is an issue of the magazine that covers current topics related to the fishing industry and fisheries around the world. this issue highlights various aspects, including economics, technology, environmental issues and international...