table of contents 1forewords 2. statement of compliance - eiapp-technical file 3. engine test protocol 4. acceptable modifications 4.1. recommended operating data 5. instructions for checking the engine timing 5.1. checking the injection pump timing 6. general installation...
Настоящий стандарт устанавливает применяемые в науке, технике и производстве термины и определения основных понятий в области гидродинамических передач....
Настоящий стандарт распространяется на трехфазные электроустановки промышленной частоты и определяет методы расчета и проверки проводников и электрических...
Репринтное издание Методические указания предназначены дляя подготовки и оформления запроса по выбору оптимальных параметров [url00-01014681]судовых автоматических...
В настоящей главе подробно излагаются спецификации стационарных систем пенотушения для защиты машинных помещений в соответствии с правилом ii-2/
the maritime safety committee, at its eighty-eighth session (24 november to 3 december 2010), having considered the proposal by the sub-committee on fire protection, at its fifty-fourth session, approved the guidelines for testing and approval of fixed high-expansion foam systems, set out in the...
the existing section 1-1 is replaced by the following: ?1-1 application 1-1.1 the present guidelines apply to equivalent sprinkler systems, referred to in [url00-01005629]solas[/url00-01005629] regulation ii-2/10.6 and chapter 8 of the [url00-00007164]fss code[/url00-00007164], tested on or after...
the following new section 1-1 is added after the existing section 1: 1-1 application 1-1.1 the present guidelines apply to equivalent sprinkler systems installed on or after 9 may 2008. 1-1.2 existing type approvals issued to confirm compliance of equivalent sprinkler systems with the revised...
fixed pressure water-spraying fire-extinguishing systems, as required by [url00-01005629]solas[/url00-01005629] regulation ii-2/, for the protection of cabin balconies where furniture and furnishings other than those of restricted fire risk are used should be shown by testing to have the...
in paragraph 17 of the annex, the first sentence is replaced by the following: "the system should be provided with a redundant means of pumping. the capacity of the redundant means should be sufficient to compensate for the loss of any single supply pump. failure of any one component in the power...
the committee, at its eightieth session (11 to 20 may 2005), after having considered the proposal by the forty-ninth session of the sub-committee on fire protection regarding review on the guidelines for the approval of equivalent water-based fire-extinguishing systems as referred to in ...
scaling from the maximum tested volume to larger volumes may be accepted based on the approval fire test scenarios in appendix b, paragraph 4.3.1, table 1 of the [url00-01016306]revised guidelines for the approval of equivalent water-based fire-extinguishing systems for machinery spaces and cargo...
these guidelines and fire tests are intended for the design and approval of fixed water-based fire-fighting systems for open and closed ro-ro spaces and special category spaces defined in [url00-01005629]solas[/url00-01005629] regulations ii-2/3.12, ii-2/3.13, ii-2/3.35, ii-2/3.36, ii-2/3.46 and...
noting article 16(1) of the imco convention concerning the functions of the assembly, noting also that at this session it adopted a new part h of chapter ii of the international convention for the safety of life at sea, 1960, in respect of fire protection, fire detection and fire extinction in...
Материал: хлопок Капитанка белого цвета имеет вышитый шеврон с изображением якоря, надпись "Севастополь" и вышитый козырек. Размер упаковки: 30х22х15 см
Средняя эмблема Военно-воздушных сил: изображение двуглавого орла с распростертыми крыльями, держащего в лапах перекрещенные пропеллер и зенитную пушку; на груди...