Издание на английском языке xiaobing li traces the evolution of the people’s liberation army navy (plan) by examining its adaptation, modernization, and setbacks over the past sixty years. based on newly available chinese sources and personal interviews with retired...
Издание на английском языке this series advances understanding of marine corps history and amphibious warfare by publishing original scholarship across a broad spectrum of innovative studies. the series analyzes an extensive array of vital aspects of the marine corps,...
Книга на английском языке in autumn 1943 the battle of the atlantic, world war ii’s longest seagoing campaign, reached a new crescendo. anti-submarine aircraft and ships using new tactics, technologies, and weaponry dominated a seascape where german u-boats once ruled...
Книга на английском языке. for more than half a century, the battleship was the primary instrument of sea power and was, therefore, the fundamental strategic weapon of such navies as those of the united states and great britain. ii excited the kind of high-level interest...
Издание на английском языке this nation’s cold war and global war on terror defense structures need an update.? u.s. naval power in the 21st century provides such a framework for the changed world we live in, offering a detailed roadmap that shows how the united states...
Книга на английском языке when eugene ely took off from a makeshift flight deck in november 1910, he became the first person in history to fly an airplane off a ship. two months later he set another first when he landed on another makeshift deck. ely came of age during a...
Книга на английском языке mans fascination with the power of steam dates to antiquity. hero of alexandria is generally credited with constructing, or at least designing, the first primitive steam engine, an apparatus that used steam to force water through a pipe to create a...
Издание на английском языке . in this retrospective, editors thomas cutler and edward marolda describe not only the actions of the warships, aircraft, and river vessels involved in one of america’s longest wars, but also the professional skill, dedication, and courage of...
during the years following world war i, army general william “billy” mitchell was the leading proponent of the importance of air power. an effective public speaker, he argued that the next war- was going to be fought in the air and called for the creation of an independent air force. however,...
Издание на английском языке a new force at sea tells the story of one of the most important officers in the u.s. navy between the civil war and world war ii. born in montpelier, vermont, george dewey attended the still relatively new u.s. naval academy, graduating in 1858....
Книга на ангийском языке over the years, readers around the world have asked me how long our fictional hero peter wake lived and served, whether his descendants continued the wake tradition of naval service, and what - and where - is the mysterious wake shelf of naval...
Издание на английском языке . the norman friedman illustrated design history series of u.s. warships has been an industry standard for three decades and has sold thousands of copies worldwide. to mark and celebrate this achievement, the naval institute press is proud to...
Издание на английском языке dogs have been loyal companions to human since ancient times, long before these wolf descendants were domesticated as our pets. loyal and trainable, dogs served many purposes on ships, ranging from guarding the deck, to keeping watch over...