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Книги издательства "BROWN, SON & FERGUSON, LTD"

  • Meteorology For Seafarers/Метеорология для моряков
    Meteorology For Seafarers/Метеорология для моряков
    Издание на английском языке commander С. r. burgess, former meteorological officer in the uk meteorological office, bracknell, and in the royal navy, completed [url817929]meteorology for seamen[/url817929] in 1950 soon after he joined the marine society as its...
  • Manual of Oil Tanker Operations/Руководство по эксплуатации нефтяных танкеров
    Manual of Oil Tanker Operations/Руководство по эксплуатации нефтяных танкеров
    Издание на английском языке this publication has been written by senior nautical college lecturers who have responsibility for tanker elements of the deck officer academic requirements, as well as statutory and industry tanker training courses. they have extensive...
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