Издание на английском языке : Символы и абревиатуры английских адмиралтейских карт. gives details on symbols and abbreviations used on the worldwide range of [url802700]admiralty charts[/url802700], and international chart...
Издание на английском языке revised editions of np5012 are published as necessary to show symbols which have been newly introduced or to update guidance about[url00-01019755] ecdis[/url00-01019755] display. the more important changes introduced between editions are...
Издание на английском языке the severest test of a buoyage system occurs when the mariner is confronted unexpectedly by night or in low visibility by lights marking an uncharted danger, such as a recent wreck; immediately he must instinctively, positively and correctly...
admiralty sailing directions (pilots) provide essential information to support port entry and coastal navigation for all classes of ships at sea. they amplify charted detail and contain information needed for safe navigation which is not available from charts or other hydrographic publications. ...
Издание на английском языке admiralty sailing directions (pilots) provide essential information to support port entry and coastal navigation for all classes of ships at sea. they amplify charted detail and contain information needed for safe navigation which is not...
Издание на английском языке admiralty sailing directions (pilots) provide essential information to support port entry and coastal navigation for all classes of ships at sea. they amplify charted detail and contain information needed for safe navigation which is not...
Издание на английском языке admiralty sailing directions (pilots) provide essential information to support port entry and coastal navigation for all classes of ships at sea. they amplify charted detail and contain information needed for safe navigation which is not...
Книга на английском языке this edition of the admiralty list of lights and fog signals contains the latest information received by the uk hydrographic office (ukho) at time of printing. this volume is reissued annually and its publication is announced in part 1 of the...
Издание на английском языке the propose of this publication is to assist mariners to acquire and maintain a high level of knowledge regarding the content and use of encs in [url00-01019755]ecdis[/url00-01019755]. it is intended to supplement and reinforce elements of...
often referred to as pilots, sailing directions are designed for use by the merchant mariner on all classes of ocean-going vessels with essential information on all aspects of navigation. sailing directions are complementary to admiralty standard nautical charts and provide worldwide coverage in 74...
Издание на английском языке np232 offers clear guidance to support the implementation of [url00-01019755]ecdis[/url00-01019755] on board and in operating procedures, helping fleets to adopt ecdis efficiently and aid compliance. produced by the ukho in conjunction with...