Книга на английском языке contains clear guidance to help mariners improve their understanding of maritime navigation, sea and ice conditions, meteorology and regulations. a highly valued publication, np100 is used as a ‘core’ text by many leading maritime training...
2019 admiralty tide tables are published annually in nine volumes. vol. 6: general arrangement part i of these tables gives daily predictions of the times and heights of high and low waters at a selected number of standard ports. the list of standard ports is given at the front of the book....
vol. 5: general arrangement part i of these tables gives daily predictions of the times and heights of high and low waters at a selected number of standard ports. the list of standard ports is given at the front of the book. part ia of these tables gives daily predictions of tidal streams at a...
Издание на английском языке vol. 2: general arrangement part i of these tables gives daily predictions of the times and heights of high and low waters at a selected number of standard ports. the list of standard ports is given at the front of the book. part ii gives data...
Издание на английском языке. tide tables. south china sea and indonesia. (including tidal stream tables). notices to mariners (annual, permanent, preliminary and temporary); admiralty information overlay (aio); symbols and abbreviations used on paper charts (np5011);...
vol. 5: general arrangement part i of these tables gives daily predictions of the times and heights of high and low waters at a selected number of standard ports. the list of standard ports is given at the front of the book. part ia of these tables gives daily predictions of tidal streams at a...
part i of these tables gives daily predictions of the times and heights of high and low waters at a selected number of standard ports. the list of standard ports is given at the front of the book. part ii gives data for prediction at a large number of secondary ports; this is in the form of time...
vol. 7: general arrangement part i of these tables gives daily predictions of the times and heights of high and low waters at a selected number of standard ports. the list of standard ports is given at the front of the book. part ii gives data for prediction at a large number of secondary ports;...
Издание на английском языке the global shipping industry is changing, quickly. the need to improve sustainability, coupled with the increasing power of digital technologies, presents both unprecedented challenges and unparalleled opportunities for our sector. the admiralty...
nine regional volumes provide comprehensive details and world-wide coverage of tidal data. new editions are published annually. vol. 1a: general arrangement the introduction deals with a number of subjects of general interest, in particular the effect of meteorological conditions on tidal...
nine regional volumes provide comprehensive details and world-wide coverage of tidal data. new editions are published annually. vol. ib: general arrangement the introduction deals with a number of subjects of general interest, in particular the effect of meteorological conditions on tidal...
Издание на английском языке . this edition of the admiralty list of lights and fog signals contains the latest information received by the united kingdom hydrographic office (ukho) at time of printing. this volume is reissued annually and its publication is announced in...