well, once again it's time for a new edition. reviewing the islands and waters of the northern and southern bahamas over the last few years i found that many places have changed. new marinas have opened, new businesses have sprung up, internet access is now regarded as a necessity...
welcome to the 2010 edition of the guide to cruising chesapeake bay, and congratulations on choosing the best such guide available. there's a lot of information in these 368 pages, so if you're new to the guide, i suggest you have a look at the table of contents (page 1) and...
a publication like this is actually the result of a blending of many people's knowledge and experiences. i would like to take this opportunity to thank the following for their help in this effort: captain lee bakewell of the s/v escape cay; jack boatwright; bob, margery, alex, and sweet of the s/v...
Издание на английском языке the [url512977]panama[/url512977] guide is the most comprehensive guide written about the extraordinarily beautiful waters of the [url455351]caribbean[/url455351] and pacific coasts of panama. it contains vital information for planning...
french for cruisers: the boater's complete language guide for french waters: practical french vocabulary and expressions for handling boat emergencies, repairs and navigation, shopping, banking, and services, communicating with almost anyone.
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