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Книги издательства "Adlard Coles Nautical"

  • Surveying Yachts And Small Craft
    Surveying Yachts And Small Craft
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    all rights reserved. no part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or information storage and retrieval systems - without the prior permission in writing of the publishers. the right of the...
  • Dinghy Cruising
    Dinghy Cruising
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    even before i begin to write this foreword, i realise i will have to claim partial responsibility for many of the things margaret dye has written about in this book. however, it is an involvement that gives me great pleasure. the reason is simple. i was fortunate enough to be the designer of the...
  • How to Trim Sails. 3rd edition
    How to Trim Sails. 3rd edition
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    i've written this book for all those sailors who practise sailing in its original and authentic form. for those who aren't just looking for a comfortable trip in a sailing boat, but who have a degree of sporting ambition, to sail their dinghy or yacht quickly to the next port of...
  • Reed's Sextant simplified. 7th edition
    Reed's Sextant simplified. 7th edition
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    though contemporary sailors generally use electronic systems to orient themselves, the sextant is far from redundant. this purest of all nautical instruments, which allows seafarers to accurately determine their global position alone and without the aid of modern technology, is still required...
  • Sail trim: Theory and practice
    Sail trim: Theory and practice
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  • Replacing Your Boat's Engine
    Replacing Your Boat's Engine
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    all rights reserved. no part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or information storage and retrieval systems -without the prior permission in writing of the publishers. a cip catalogue...
  • Blue Water Sailing Manual
    Blue Water Sailing Manual
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    all rights reserved. no part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or information storage and retrieval systems - without the prior permission in writing of the publishers.
  • Buying a Motorboat
    Buying a Motorboat
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    Книга на английском языке. Перевод книги на русский язык см. [url00-00000936]Купи свою яхту[/url00-00000936].
  • Doctor on Board
    Doctor on Board
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    all rights reserved. no part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or information storage and retrieval systems - without the prior permission in writing of the publishers. the right of the...
  • Reeds Abardeen Asset Management Channel Almanac 2012
    Reeds Abardeen Asset Management Channel Almanac 2012
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  • Boatowner's Practical & Technical Cruising Manual
    Boatowner's Practical & Technical Cruising Manual
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  • How to Choose the Right Yacht
    How to Choose the Right Yacht
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    См . также [url00-00000936]Купи свою яхту. Пошаговая инструкция по приобретению яхты[/url00-00000936] the first priority when buying a yacht is to decide just what your requirements are — and thus your expectations of what, after all, will...
  • Ocean Yachtmaster
    Ocean Yachtmaster
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    the nautical almanac (np 314) is a joint publication of her majesty's stationery office (uk) and the usa government printing office. both editions are identical. further details of these and other publications can be found on pages 148-51. На английском языке.
  • Pass Your Yachtmaster
    Pass Your Yachtmaster
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    the yachtmaster™ offshore course is part of an extensive voluntary training scheme run by the [url513004]royal yachting association[/url513004] (in co-operation with the department of transport) 'to encourage high standards of seamanship and navigation among yachtsmen and women' and avoid...
  • A home afloat. Living aboard vessels of all shapes and sizes
    A home afloat. Living aboard vessels of all shapes and sizes
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    См. также [url471504]Голландские плавучие дома. Жизнь на воде[/url471504] the last decade has seen an unprecedented expansion of yachting in all its aspects: design and new construction in both power and sail; restoration and the renaissance of classic...
  • Sailing around the UK and Ireland
    Sailing around the UK and Ireland
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    the book is the most complete guide to circum¬navigating the uk and ireland that is available and includes in-depth passage planning, sample logbooks, [url455651]vhf logs[/url455651] and lists of charts.
  • Sailing in Paradise
    Sailing in Paradise
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    Книга на анг. языке. chartering a yacht is never going to save your life, but it can certainly provide breathing space, far from the incessant buzz of information that continuously assails you. it doesn't have to be perfect, nor the holiday of a lifetime...it just needs to offer a...
  • 50 Ways to Improve your Weather Forcasting
    50 Ways to Improve your Weather Forcasting
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  • Hand Reef & Steer
    Hand Reef & Steer
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