См . также [url802970]Кодекс международных стандартов и рекомендуемой практики расследования аварии или инцидента на море (резолюция msc.255(84) ИМО). code of the international standards and...
В продаже есть [url00-01097558]resolution a.1185(33) procedures for port state control 2023[/url00-01097558] Издание на английском языке the international maritime organization (imo) has always acknowledged that effective implementation and enforcement of...
Издание на английском языке the main intention of this report is to present the way of evaluation of bwms as it has evolved during the last ten years. this methodology is based on internationally accepted methods of [url00-01014162]risk assessment[/url00-01014162] as...
Издание на английском языке [url00-01030167]fatigue[/url00-01030167] is a hazard because it may affect a seafarer’s ability to do their job effectively and safely. importantly, fatigue affects everyone regardless of skill, knowledge and training. these guidelines were...
[url00-01005629]the international convention for the safety of life at sea, 1974 (solas convention)[/url00-01005629] / as amended, deals with various aspects of maritime safety and contains, in parts a and В of chapter vi and part a-i of chapter vii, the mandatory provisions governing the carriage...
Издание на английском языке . navtex is an international automated direct-printing service for promulgation of maritime safety information such as navigational warnings and meteorological information to ships. it is a principle method for broadcasting maritime safety...
Книга на английском языке since its inception the international maritime organization (imo) has recognized the importance of human resources to the development of the maritime industry and has given the highest priority to assisting developing countries in enhancing their...
Книга на английском языке. this model course no. 1.07 consists of seven major learning topics. the first topic is the essential theory of the commonly used marine radar systems and gives the basic theoretical knowledge of the systems, which is obviously necessary for all...
Книга на английском языке the purpose of the imo model courses is to assist maritime as well as land orientated training institutes and their teaching staff in organizing and introducing new training courses, or in enhancing, updating or supplementing existing training...
Книга на английском языке. following the adoption of the [url00-01011070]international convention on standards of training, certification and watchkeeping for seafarers, 1978 (stcw)[/url00-01011070] , a number of imo member governments had suggested that imo should develop...
1 В резолюции, принятой Комитетом по условиям работы в рыболовной отрасли, который был созван Международной организацией труда (МОТ) в декабре 1962 года для изучения...
1 Кодекс безопасности рыбаков и рыболовных судов был создан на основании резолюции, принятой Международной организацией труда (МОТ) в 1962 году. После этой резолюции...
international convention for safe containers (csc), 2014 edition the international convention for safe containers, 1972 (csc 1972) has two goals: - to maintain a high level of safety of human life in the transport and handling of containers by providing acceptable test procedures and related...
Издание на английском языке. in 2018, imo celebrates its seventieth anniversary. the theme for this anniversary year is "our heritage -better shipping for a better future". we look both at the accomplishments of the imo in the past 70 years and also to what...
Издание на английском языке the primary aim of the[url821541] international maritime solid bulk cargoes code (imsbc code)[/url821541], which replaces the code of safe practice for solid bulk cargoes (bc code), is to facilitate the safe stowage and shipment of solid bulk...
См . более свежее издание [url1690]Международная Конвенция о подготовке и дипломировании моряков и несении вахты 1978 года (ПДМНВ-78) с поправками. international convention on standards of...