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Guy Warner book focuses on the Azores rally in two World Wars, exploring the operations of American and British military aircraft from these islands. The author combines his long-term interest in the Azores with extensive research, describing the interaction of aviators with the local population and the impact of external events on the islanders' lives. He also examines the 1918 flu pandemic and how people of different nationalities worked together for a common goal. Despite Portugal's neutrality in World War II, the islands became an important base for the RAF and American aircraft, underscoring their strategic importance in the Atlantic. The book offers detailed descriptions of operations, relations between different countries, and personal stories that had previously received little attention in historical research.
Foreword by Capitao-de-fragata Hugo Miguel Baptista Cabral, Marinha Portuguesa
Introduction by Commander David Hobbs OBE, RN (retd)
Author’s Preface
Part 1: The Azores in the First World War
Part 2: Aviation in the Azores between the Wars
Part 3: The Azores and the Battle of the Atlantic, 1940-1945
Part 4: The Three Airfields in the Immediate Post-War Years
1: Roster of Personnel - 1st USMC Aeronautic Company, Ponta Delgada, 1917-1919
2: US Navy Ships assigned to the Azores Detachment 1917-1918
3: Aircraft at Lagens - Specimen Serial Numbers During the Second World War