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Register of Lifting Appliances and Cargo Handling Gear/ Реестр подъемных устройств и погрузочно-разгрузочного оборудования

Артикул: 00-01103088
в желания В наличии
Место издания: Москва
Год: 2025
Формат: А4 (210х297 мм) вертикальный
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 100
310 P

Журнал на английском языке
Register of Lifting Appliances and Cargo Handling Gear is compliant with article 25(2) of the Occupational Safety and Health (Dock Work) Convention, 1979 (No. 152).
Every lifting appliance shall be certified by a competent person before being taken into use for the first time to ensure that it is of good design and construction and of adequate strength for the purpose of which it is intended.
Upon satisfactory completion of the procedures indicated above the competent person shall complete and issue the Register of Lifting Appliances and attach the appropriate Certificates. An entry shall be made in Part I of the Register.
Register of Lifting Appliances and Cargo Handling Gear consists of sections:
I. Thorough examination of lifting appliances and loose gear:
1. Situation and description of lifting appliances and loose gear (with distinguishing number or marks, if any) which have been thoroughly examined
2. Certificate Nos.
3. Examination performed
4. I certify that on the date to which I have appended my signature, the gear shown in column (1) was thoroughly examined and no defects affecting its safe working condition were found other than those shown in column (Date and signature)
5. Remarks
II. Regular inspections of loose gear:
1. Situation and description of loose gear (with distinguishing number or mark, if any) which has been inspected
2. Certificate Nos.
3. Signature and date of responsible person carrying out the inspection
4. Remarks

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