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Records of Inspection and Maintenance of Mooring Equipment Including Lines/Книга учета проверок и ремонта швартовочного оборудования, включая швартовы

  • Records of Inspection and Maintenance of Mooring Equipment Including Lines/Книга учета проверок и ремонта швартовочного оборудования, включая швартовы
  • Records of Inspection and Maintenance of Mooring Equipment Including Lines/Книга учета проверок и ремонта швартовочного оборудования, включая швартовы
  • Records of Inspection and Maintenance of Mooring Equipment Including Lines/Книга учета проверок и ремонта швартовочного оборудования, включая швартовы
  • Records of Inspection and Maintenance of Mooring Equipment Including Lines/Книга учета проверок и ремонта швартовочного оборудования, включая швартовы
  • Records of Inspection and Maintenance of Mooring Equipment Including Lines/Книга учета проверок и ремонта швартовочного оборудования, включая швартовы
Артикул: 00-01103065
в желания В наличии
Место издания: Москва
Год: 2025
Формат: А4 (210х297 мм) вертикальный
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 100
260 P

Журнал на английском языке
Records of Inspection and Maintenance of Mooring Equipment Including Lines is compliant with MSC.Res.474(102) and MSC.1/Circ.1620
The records of inspection and maintenance of mooring equipment, inspection and replacement of mooring lines, since the last periodical survey, should be kept updated and available on board and will be subject for periodical survey.
This book is used to keep track of mooring equipment inspections.
Records of Inspection and Maintenance of Mooring Equipment Including Lines consists of sections:
I. Details of persons authorized to sign:
1. Rank/Position
2. Full name
3. Signature
4. Initial
II. Equipment

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