с 9:00 до 19:00

Deck Logbook for Tugs/Бортовой журнал для буксиров

Артикул: 00-01103051
в желания В наличии
Место издания: Москва
Год: 2025
Формат: А4 (210х297 мм) вертикальный
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 100
220 P

Журнал на английском языке
Deck Logbook for Tugs is compliant with SOLAS, MARPOL, STCW.
Deck Logbook for Tugs consists of sections:
I. Details of persons authorized to sign:
1. Rank/Position
2. Full name
3. Signed On
4. Signed Off
5. Signature
6. Initial
II. Record of inspections carried out in accordance with ILO Maritime Labour Convention 2006, Reg. 3.2, Standard A3.2, Paragraph 7* (in force 20.08.2013) with respect to: supplies of food and drinking water; all spaces and equipment used for storage and handling of food and drinking water; and galley and other equipment for the preparation and service of meals:
1. Time and date of inspection
2. Names and ranks of persons making the inspection
3. Result of inspection of supplies of food and water
4. Date of entry
5. Signature of master
III. Deck Longbook of Tug:
1. Time on board
2. Barometer, hPa
3-4. Temperature:
- Air, C
- Sea, C
5. Relative humidity, %
6. Weather
7-8. Wind:
- Direction
- Force
9. Sea-scale
10. Swell
11. Ground track
12-13. Correction for:
- drift
- leeway
14. Var. or Gyro-A
15. Dev or Sp. Err.
16. Course steered
17. Healmsman
18. Magnetic compass heading
19. Log reading sm/NM
20. Distance made good sm/ NM
21. Lookout
IV. Harbour towage and assistance jobs 0-24 hours:
1-2. Departure from berth:
- Time
- Berth
3. Vessel’s name
4-5. Arrival on job:
- Time
- Location
6-7. Line fastened:
- Time
- Location
8-9. Line:
- Own line
- Ship’s line
V. Safety Records (Remarks/Signature)
VI. Radio Logbook:
1. Date UTC
2. Time UTC
3. Station
4. Transmitted-Receiving frequency
5. Details

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