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Maritime science and technology: changing our world/Морская наука и техника: меняя наш мир

Артикул: 00-01100457
в желания В наличии
Автор: Watson N.
Издательство: Lloyd's Register (все книги издательства)
Место издания: London
Год: 2015
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 306
Вес: 764 г
2750 P

Книга на английском языке
The book focuses on the engineering and scientific advances that have helped to shape our world since 18th century. Throughout its pages you will find not only the history of key maritime technological developments, but also the story of the people who made the advances possible.

1 Towards a revolution
2 New marine technologies -iron and steam
3 The innovators
4 The metal screw steamer
5 Specialisation shrinks the world
6 Science, standards and safety
7 The impact of shipping technology on the nineteenth century world
8 The motorship and the oil tanker
9 Energy, specialisation and bigger ships
10 The container revolution
11 The decline and revival of the large passenger ship
12 The search for cleaner fuel at sea
13 Technology and the seafarer
14 Regulation and technology
15 The classification societies and the application of science and technology
16 The impact of shipping technology since 1945
17 The future
Photograph and illustration captions
Glossary and abbreviations
Works forming the basis of each chapter
Bibliography and sources

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