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The Suez Canal Rules of Navigation/Правила судоходства в Суэцком канале

Артикул: 00-01099507
в желания В наличии
Автор: Suez Canal Authority
Год: 2020
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 274
Вес: 740 г
3850 P

Книга на английском языке
The Suez Canal Rules of Navigation describes the rules and regulations governing navigation through the Suez Canal. It covers such aspects as vessel passage procedures, navigation requirements, size and draught restrictions, and the specifics of traffic management in the canal. The book may also include information on safety, emergency procedures and other aspects relating to the operation of this strategically important waterway.

Part I Navigation
1 Transit through the Suez Canal
2 Agents
3 Canal Water
4 Responsibilities
5 Temporary delaying of vessels
6 Pilotage
7 Changing Berth in Roads' Anchorages
Chapter I
Suez Canal navigation features section i: approaches
8 Portsaid
A - Anchorage Areas:
(1) Northern Area
(2) Southern Area
(3) Prohibited area for anchorage
(4) Anchorage area for trans-shipment operations
(5) Dangerous Areas
B - Port Said approach channels:
(1) Buoyage
a) East approach channel
b) Junction of East and West approach channels
c) West approach channel
d) El Bahar Tower
(2) Navigation
a) Northbound Vessels
b) Southbound Vessels
C - Breakwaters
9 Suez
A- Separation Zone
B- Anchorage areas
C- Anchorage area for trans-shipment operations "S.T.S"
D- Arrival to Suez for northbound vessels
E- Prohibited area for anchorage
F- Suez Entrance Channel
G- Canal south entrance
H- Port of Suez
(1) Navigation
(2) Buoyage
(3) Anchorage Area
10 Roads and Harbor Pilot Signals
Section II: Pilotage
11 Pilotage
Chapter II
Arrival and preparation for transit
Section I: pre-arrival of vessels
12 Booking for Transit
13 Notice of Arrival
14 Contacting with Port Offices on Arrival
15 Documents and Requirements
16 Berthing or Stay in the Harbor
17 Change of Berth
Section II: preparation for transiting the canal
18 Measures Taken Before Entering the Canal
19 Mooring Ropes
20 Mooring Boats
21 Spreaders (Slings)
22 Indicators
23 Bow Anchors
24 Accommodation and Pilot Ladder
25 Efficiency of Vessel’s Equipment
26 Deck Cargo (Deck Load)
27 Ballast Water
28 Searchlights
29 Overhead Lights (Deck Lights)
30 Bridge Wing Projectors
31 Funnels
32 Bridge and Engine Room Communications
33 Pumping-Draining Arrangements
34 Watertight Bulkheads and Doors
35 Draught Marks
36 Whistles and/or Sirens
37 Fire Fighting Equipment on Vessels
38 Side Doors
39 Manning Vessels
40 Deck Watch and Engine Room
41 Special arrangements
42 Accommodations
43 Vessels Carrying Timber
44 Life Saving Appliances
45 Anchor Watch
46 Stoppage in Canal
Section III: interdiction to enter canal
47 Vessel Not Allowed to Transit
Pilmsol Mark
Section IV: proceeding to the canal
48 Generalities
Chapter III
Convoy system - maximum dimensions towage and escorting
Section I: convoy system
49 Formations of Convoys
A- Northbound Convoy
B- Southbound Convoy
50 Limit Time of Arrival to Join Convoys
A- Port Said
B- Port Tewfik
51 Courses to Keep on Leaving for Sea
Section II: maximum dimensions vessels' sizes and draughts
52 Dimensions of Vessels Authorized to Transit
53 Conditions of Transit
54 Transit Speed
No.1 draught for vessels in ballast transiting
No.2 Beam and Draught
"Loaded Vessels - (Southbound & Northbound)"
Section III: towage and escorting
55 Canal Authority Tugs
56 Use of Private Tugs
57 Cases of Imposed Tugs
58 Escorting Tugs
Chapter IV accidents and safety precautions
Against fire and pollution
59 Accidents
60 Leak
61 Fire Fighting
62 Fire on Board
63 Fueling
64 Pollution:
A- Discharge of substances polluting water
B- Oil pollution notification
Chapter V prohibitions, defects and charges
65 Use of Anchors, Thrusters, Gyro pilot and Whistle or Siren
66 Firing Shots
67 Picking up Objects from Water
68 Riveting Welding ... etc
69 Diving Operation
70 Direct Lights
71 Embarking and Disembarking of Persons
72 Boats, other than owned by the Canal Authority
73 Vessel Overtaking Another
74 Boat Drills
75 Venting
76 Long Stay
77 Vessels Having Damaged Container with Dangerous Cargo
78 Declaration of State of Navigability
Appendix No. 1
Special cases transit
A- Drilling Units
B- Semi-Submersible vessels & (Semi-Submersible/ Heavy Lift) vessels
C- Heavy lift vessels
D- Self-Steering Vessels Carrying Floating Units
E- Navy Ships
F- Integrated Units
G- Towed Units
H- Special Designed Vessels
I- Special Requests

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