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Panama Canal Vessel requirements. OP notice to shipping 1 of 2024/Требования к судам в Панамском канале. Извещение для судоходства 1/2024

  • Panama Canal Vessel requirements. OP notice to shipping 1 of 2024/Требования к судам в Панамском канале. Извещение для судоходства 1/2024
Артикул: 00-01099503
в желания В наличии
Год: 2024
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 84
Вес: 196 г
1800 P

Книга на английском языке
This Notice "OP Notice to Shipping No. N-1-2023" which outlines the regulations and operational procedures for vessels transiting the Panama Canal. This notice, effective upon its issue, supersedes the previous notice from 2023 and provides essential guidance to the shipping community regarding compliance with Panama Canal rules.
It covers various aspects such as vessel dimensions, draft limitations, operational procedures, safety requirements, and contact information for relevant Panama Canal Authority departments. The notice emphasizes the importance of adherence to these regulations to avoid delays, additional charges, or denial of transit through the canal.
For the most current and specific information, including updates or revisions beyond 2023, one would need to refer to subsequent notices issued by the Panama Canal Authority or consult the latest documentation available directly from them.

1. Definitions
2. Size and Draft Limitations of Vessels
a. Vessels Transiting the Panamax Locks
b. Vessels Transiting the Neopanamax Locks
c. Other Draft Considerations
d. Maximum Width
e. Protrusions
f. Maximum Height
g. Release from Liability
h. Approval of Plans
i. Required Documentation for Initial Transit in Electronic Format
j. Denial of Transit
k. Vessel Should Be Able to Relay at the Locks
3. Requirement for Shelters on Certain Vessels
4. Navigation Bridge Features Required of Transiting Vessels
a. Authority.
b. Wheelhouse
c. Bridge Wings
d. Normal Conning Positions
e. Panama Canal Minimum Visibility Requirements
f. Indicators
g. Very High Frequency (VHF) Radio
h. Whistle Controls
i. Steering Light
j. Bow/Stern Thrusters
k. Compass
l. Course Recorders
m. Bridge Wing Spotlights
n. Radar
o. Main Propulsion Systems
p. Use of Automatic Identification System (AIS)
q. Steering gear
5. Requirements for Non-Self-Propelled Vessels
6 Vessels Requiring Towing Services
7. Deck Load Cargo
8 Construction, Number and Location of Chocks and Bitts
a. Vessels Transiting the Panamax Locks
b. Neopanamax and Panamax Plus Vessels
9. Mooring Lines, Anchors and Deck Machinery
10. Boarding Facilities
11. Double Hull Requirements for Oil Tankers
12. Admeasurement System for Full Container Vessels
13. Deck-Loaded Containers on Ships not Built for Container Carriage
a. General
b. Approval for Transits
c. Advance Notice and Inspection
14. Unauthorized Modification to the ACP/TOLL BASIS Certificate
15. Calculation of PC/UMS Net Tonnage on Passenger Vessels
16. Vessels Retrofitted with Ballast Water Treatment Rooms and/or Scrubber on Deck
17. Dangerous Cargo Requirements
a. General
b. Test of Equipment on Board
c. Holding Due to Non-Compliance
d. Reporting Dangerous Cargo in Bulk
e. Tankers Claiming Cargo Tanks as “Gas Free” or “Inert”
f. Reporting Shipments of Direct Reduced Iron
g. Precautionary Measures Due to Dangerous Cargo
h. Reporting Shipments of Hazardous Wastes
i. Reporting Radioactive Cargo
j. Coverage Requirements for Transiting Vessels Carrying Radioactive Cargo
k. Advance Notification of Shipments of Fissionable Materials
l. Tanker Inspection Program
18. Measures to Prevent Automatic Activation of PV Valves
19. Pre-Arrival Cargo Declarations, Security Inspection and Escort
20. Hot Work Performed on Board Vessels
21. Manning Requirements
22. Additional Pilots Due to Vessel Deficiencies
23 Pilot Accommodations Onboard Transiting Vessels
24. Air Conditioning Systems on Transiting Vessels
25. Main Source of Electrical Power
26. Emergency Source of Electrical Power
27. Sanitary Facilities and Sewage Handling
28. Ballast Water Management
29. Discharging of Vessel Wastes, and Oily Bilge Water
30. Emergency Escape Breathing Devices
31. Smoking Prohibition in Canal Waters
32. Maneuvering Fuel
33. Proper Display of the Panamanian Flag
34. Use of Drones in the Panama Canal
Annex 1 - Panamax Locks Composite Maximum Clearances
Annex 2 - Neopanamax Locks (Cocoli)
Annex 3 - Neopanamax Locks (Agua Clara)
Annex 4 - Neopanamax Locks Clearances Diagram
Annex 5 - Panamax Locks Clearances Diagram

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