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ATL 111 Canadian Sailing Directions. St. Lawrence River, Ile Verte to Quebec and Fjord du Saguenay/Канадские лоции. Река Святого Лаврентия, от Иль-Верте до Квебека и фьорда Сагеней

Артикул: 00-01099077
в желания В наличии
Автор: Canadian Hydrographic Office
Издательство: Fisheries and Oceans Canada (все книги издательства)
Место издания: Ottawa
Год: 2024
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 85
Вес: 198 г
650 P

Книга на ангийсом языке
This Edition of Sailing Directions, ATL 111 - S t. Lawrence River, Ile Verte to Qutbec and Fjord du Saguenay, 2024, has been fully updated from Canadian Government and other in- formation sources. In general, all hydrographic terms used in this booklet are in accordance with the meanings given in the Hydrographic Dictionary (Special Publication No. 32), published by the International Hydrographic Bureau.

Explanatory notes
chapter 1 Cap de Bon-Desir to Cap Brule through Chenal du Nord General
Limitsh Coast Main shipping channel Risks of collision Calling-in-points Current and tidal streams Saguenay-St. Lawrenc Marine Park Anchorage Ice Search and Rescue
Cap de Bon-Desir to Cap de la Tete au Chien
Cap de la Tete au Chien to Cap aux Oies
Port of Pointe-au-Pic
Cap aux Oies to Sault-au-Cochon
Ile aux Coudres
Sault-au-Cochon to Cap Brule
Chapter 2 Cap Brule to Quebec General
Limits Coast Main shipping channel Risk of collision Calling-in-points Tide and tidal streams Anchorage Ice Cap Brule to Sainte-Petronille via the main shipping channel
Chenal de l’lle d’Orleans
Port of Quebec
Search and Rescue Main shipping channel in Port of Quebec Bassin Louise Petroleum Terminal Port Services and Facilities
Chapter 3 Ile Verte to Pointe de Saint-Vallier through Chenal du Sud General
Limits Coast Secondary shipping route Calling-in-points
Tidal streams Anchorage Ice Search and Rescue
Ile Verte to Pointe aux Orignaux
Port of Gros-Cacouna
Pointe aux Orignaux to Pointe de Saint-Vallier
Chapter 4 Fjord du Saguenay - Tadoussac to Chicoutimi General
Limits Coast Main Shipping Channel Risk of Collision Calling-in-points Tide and Tidal Streams Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park Anchorage Ice Search and Rescue Magnetic Disturbances
Tadoussac to Cap a l’Est
Baie des Ha! Ha!
Cap a l’Est to Chicoutimi
Port Saguenay
Grande-Anse Marine Terminal Albert-Maltais Terminal
Appendices Sail Plan
Saguenay - St. Lawrence Marine Park
Tidal Currents Table
Upstream Beaumont Cables - Vertical Clearances
Cap Sainte-Marguerite Cable - Vertical Clearances
Cables Upstream Pierre-Laporte Bridge - Vertical Clearances
Under-Keel Clearance
Table of marina facilities
Table of Distances
Meteorological Table of Quebec

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