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ATL 100 Canadian Sailing Directions. General Information, Atlantic Coast/Канадские лоции. Общая информация, Атлантическое побережье

Артикул: 00-01099051
в желания В наличии
Автор: Canadian Hydrographic Office
Издательство: Fisheries and Oceans Canada (все книги издательства)
Место издания: Ottawa
Год: 2021
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 86
Вес: 200 г
800 P

Книга на английском языке
This publications contain all the detailed information, such as natural characteristics, geography, climatic variations, and wharves for each region. They are great for planning trips and ensuring mariner safety. Sailing Directions are the indispensable companions to charts. They include information not included on a chart such as descriptions (including photographs) of the best approaches to harbours, harbour facilities, anchorages, local history, rules, regulations, and table of distances. ATL100, has been complied from Canadian Government and other information sources. In general, all hydrographic terms used in this booklet are in accordance with the meanings given in the Hydrographic Dictionary (Special Publication No. 32), published by International Hydrographic Bureau.

Explanatory notes
Chapter 1
General Navigational Information
Routes and Navigational Hazards
Ship Routeing Systems
Navigation in Ice
Ship Icing (Freezing Spray)
Oil and Gas Exploration
Nautical Charts
Nautical Publications of Canadian Hydrographic Service
Canadian Coast Guard
Canadian Coast Guard Publications
Aids to Navigation
Positioning Systems
Marine Communications
Search and Rescue (SAR)
Cold Water Survival
Fishing Methods
Environmentally Sensitive Marine Areas
Chapter 2
General Geographic and Port Information
Geographical and physical features
Port Facilities
Chapter 3
Natural Conditions
Magnetic Anomalies
Types of Ice
Stages of Development of Sea Ice
Forms of Sea Ice
Ice Surface Features
Meteorological Information
Sail Plan
Sea Surface Temperature
Average Wind Speed
Fishing Zones
Ship icing
Special Tidal Surfaces
Cold Water Survival
Effect of wind on exposed persons
Fishing Methods
Typical Aquaculture Site Layouts
Extent of Sea Ice

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