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Canadian Atlas of Tidal Currents. Juan de Fuca Strait to Strait of Georgia. Volume 3/Канадский атлас приливных течений. От пролива Хуан-де-Фука до пролива Джорджии. Том 3

Артикул: 00-01099043
в желания В наличии
Автор: Canadian Hydrographic Office
Место издания: Ottawa
Год: 2016
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 220
Вес: 550 г
1650 P

Книга на двух языках - английском и французском
The tides and tidal streams constitute one of the most important oceanographic features of the coastal waters of British Columbia. In addition to their clearly evident navigational significance, they strongly affect the distribution of salts, oxygen and temperature, and hence the character and distribution of marine life within the system.
Tides in these coastal waters are caused by the large scale tidal motions of the Pacific Ocean that are a response to the gravitational pulls of the moon and sun, and their changing character from day to day reflects the complex character of that response. Thus, as tidal crests and troughs move rapidly northward, past the open coasts, taking some 20 minutes to tra- verse the length of Vancouver Island, sympathetic os- cillations having the same periodic character propagate into the various coastal channels.
См. также Canadian Atlas of Tidal Currents. Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine. Volume 1/Канадский атлас приливных течений. Залив Фанди и залив Мэн. Том 1 и Canadian Atlas of Tidal Currents. St. Lawrence Estuary from Cap de Bon-Desir to Trois-Rivieres. Volume 2/Канадский атлас приливных течений. Устье Святого Лаврентия от Кап-де-Бон-Дезир до Труа-Ривьер. Том 2
ISBN: 978-0-660-42953-3

Using the Atlas
How to use Part A
How to use Part В
Develpment of the Atlas
Part A - Tidal stream charts for typical ranges of tide
Part B - Tidal stream patterns over typical
25 hour periods
How to use Part C
Part C - Fraser River Surface Flow

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