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World Naval Review 2024

Артикул: 00-01098709
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Автор: Edited by Conrad Waters
Издательство: Seaforth Publishing (все книги издательства)
Место издания: Great Britain
ISBN: 978-1-3990-2311-5
Год: 2023
Переплет: Суперобложка
Страниц: 192
Вес: 2016 г
11490 P

Книга на английском языке
For more than a decade this annual volume has provided an authoritative summary of developments in the world’s navies and their ships in the previous twelve months. It combines regional surveys with major articles on important new warships, and looks at wider issues of significance to navies such as aviation and weaponry. The contributors come from around the globe and as well as providing a balanced picture of naval developments, they interpret their significance and explain their context.
In addition to regular regional reviews, the 2024 volume focusses on three fleets: the Brazilian Navy, the Hellenic Navy and the Royal Navy. The ‘Significant Ships’ series of in-depth articles cover the French Auguste Benebig class of overseas patrol vessels, the Indian P15A & P15B Kolkatal Visakhapatnam class destroyers, and the Spanish S-80 Class Isaac Peral class submarines. The third regular section of the volume is devoted to reviews of important technological developments around the world.
David Hobbs looks at aspects of naval aviation and focusses on the US Navy's M Q-25A Stingray unmanned aerial vehicle. Norm and Friedman outlines developments in naval propulsion systems, while Richard Scott analyses the Kongsberg/Raytheon naval strike missile.
Now firmly established as the only annual naval overview of its type in the world, The Seaforth World Naval Review is essential reading for professional and enthusiast alike. It takes the reader to the heart of contemporary maritime affairs.

Section 1: Overview
1.0 Introduction
Section 2: World Fleet Reviews
2.1. Regional Review - North and South America
2.1A Fleet Review - The Brazilian Navy:
Felipe Salles & Alexandre Galante describe the evolution of Latin America’s leading naval power
2.2. Regional Review - Asia and The Pacific
2.3. Regional Review - The Indian Ocean and Africa
2.4. Regional Review - Europe and Russia
2.4A: Fleet Review - The Royal Navy: Adapting to a Fast-Changing World
Richard Beedall provides his biennial assessment of the state of the British fleet
2.4B: Fleet Review - The Hellenic Navy: A Flexible and Reliable Naval Force
Guy Toremans investigates a force that is starting to recover after years of austerity
Section 3: Significant Ships
3.1. Auguste Benebig: First of France’s New Patrouilleurs Outre-Mer
Bruno Huriet assesses a design optimised for policing France’s overseas territories
3.2. Kolkata Class Destroyers: The Indian Navy’s Project 15A and Project 15B Designs
Mrityunjoy Mazumdar reviews the advanced technology of India’s latest destroyers
3.3. S-80 Class Submarines: Demonstrating the Benefits of Perseverance
The editor examines Navantia’s progress in delivering Spain’s first indigenous submarines
Section 4. Technologicol Reviews
4.1. World Naval Aviation
David Hobbs undertakes his annual overview of developments in maritime air power
4.2. Naval Propulsion: Some Considerations
Norman Friedman explores recent trends in warship power plant design
4.3. Naval Strike Missile: Striker from the North
Richard Scott assesses a weapon that has become NATO’s ‘de facto’ surface-to-surface missile
Contributor Biographies

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