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Spoils of War. The Fate of Enemy Fleets after the Two World Wars/Военные Трофеи. Судьба Вражеских Флотов После Двух Мировых Войн (A. Dodson, S. Cant)

Артикул: 00-01096208
в желания В наличии
Автор: A. Dodson, S. Cant
Издательство: Seaforth Publishing (все книги издательства)
ISBN: 978-1-5267-4198-1
Год: 2020
Формат: А4 (210х297 мм)
Переплет: Твердая обложка
Страниц: 332
Вес: 1428 г
1980 P

Книга на английском языке
An extensive history of enemy fleets following both World Wars, featuring never-before-seen archival and archaeological materials.
Spoils of War traces the histories of navies and ships of the defeated powers from the months leading up to the relevant armistices or surrenders to the final execution of the appropriate post-war settlements. In doing so, it discusses the way in which the victorious powers reached their final demands, how these were implemented, and to what effect. The later histories of ships that saw subsequent service, either in their original navies or in those navies which acquired them, are also described. Much use is made of archival materials, and in some cases archaeological, sources, some of which have never previously been used. Ultimately, a wide range of long-standing myths are busted, and some badly distorted modern views are set right.
The fascinating narrative is accompanied by lists of all major navy-built (and certain significant ex-mercantile) enemy ships in commission at the relevant date of the armistice or surrender, or whose hulks were specifically listed for attention in post-Second World War allied agreements. These include key dates in their careers and their ultimate fates.
This original book, featuring numerous photographs, is sure to become an essential reference tool for all those interested in the naval history of the two World Wars.

Conventions and Abbreviations
Part I The First World War
1 Endgame 1918
2 Dividing the Spoils - 1
Appendix 2.1 Summary Allocation of Ex-German and Austro-Hungarian Naval Vessels
3 Under New Management - 1
Appendix 3.1 Report on Work Carried Out on Surface War Vessels under Art.186, Peace Treaty August 1920-August 1921
Appendix 3.2 The Reuse of Ex-German Submarine Engines in the UK Appendix 3.3 An Archaeology of Forgotten Ships
Ships & Fates
1 The German Navy: 11 November 1918
2 The Austro-Hungarian Navy: 4 November 1918
3 The Bulgarian Navy: 30 September 1918
4 The Ottoman Navy: 27 October 1918
Part II The Second World War
4 Endgame - Italy, Romania, Bulgaria and Finland 1943-45
5 Endgame - Germany 1945
Appendix 5.1 The German Mine Sweeping Administration (GM/SA) as of 1 October 1945
6 Endgame - Japan 1945
7 Dividing the Spoils - 2
Appendix 7.1 Summary of Tripartite Naval Commission Allocation of Ex-German Naval Vessels Appendix 7.2 Naval Clauses of Italian Peace Treaty
Appendix 7.3 Protocol on the Establishment of a Four Power Naval Commission, the Disposal of Excess Units of the Italian Fleet, and the Return by the Soviet Union of Warships on Loan
8 Under New Management - 2 Ships and Fates
1 The German Navy: 8 May 1945
2 The Italian Navy: 9 September 1943
3 The Japanese Navy: 15 August 1945
4 The Romanian Navy: 24 August 1944
5 The Bulgarian Navy: 9 September 1944
6 The Finnish Navy: 19 September 1944
9 Retrospect Maps
Bibliography Index of Ships

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