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ECDIS Passage Planning and Watchkeeping/ЭКНИС "Планирование прохода и несение вахты"

  • ECDIS Passage Planning and Watchkeeping/ЭКНИС "Планирование прохода и несение вахты"
Артикул: 00-01095220
в желания В наличии
Издательство: Witherby Publishing Group Ltd (все книги издательства)
Год: 2023
Переплет: Твердая обложка
Страниц: 283
Вес: 861 г
4180 P

Книга на английском языке
This publication has been prepared to deal with the subject of ECDIS Passage Planning and Watchkeeping. This should not, however, be taken to mean that this publication deals comprehensively with all of the issues that will need to be addressed or even, where a particular issue is addressed, that this publication sets out the only definitive view for all situations.

ECDIS Passage Planning and Watchkeeping
ECDIS Requirements
ECDIS Standards
ECDIS Training
The Components of ECDIS
APEM Passage Planning 8
Effective Planning on ECDIS
1 Configuration of ECDIS Settings
1.1 Configuration of ECDIS Sensors
1.1.1 CCRP and Technical Set-up
1.1.2 Sensor Settings
1.1.3 ECDIS Alert Management
1.2 Depth Contours and Safety Settings
1.3 Safety Settings Calculations
1.3.1 Datums and Vertical Clearance
1.3.2 Safety Contour and Safety Depth
1.4 Cross Track Distance CXTD)/Safety Corridor
1.5 Detection Area
1.6 Navigational Hazards
1.7 Isolated Dangers
1.8 Areas for which Special Conditions Exist
1.9 Chart Display Settings
1.9.1 System Units
1.9.2 ENC Loading Options
1.9.3 Display Category
1.9.4 Two/Four Colour Shading
1.9.5 Further Display Settings
1.9.6 SCAM IN and SCAM AX
1.9.7 Symbols
1.9.8 Standardisation of Symbols, Terms and Abbreviations (S-Mode)
1.9.9 Palette
1.9.10 Chart Legend
1.9.11 Environmental Data
1.10 Ship Display Parameters
1.11 Route Display Parameters
1.11.1 Route Alarms
1.11.2 Other Display Options
2 Appraisal/Information Gathering
2.1 Overview of Appraisal Research
2.2 Destination
2.3 Meteorology
2.3.1 Passage Planning on ECDIS in Ice Regions
2.4 Datums
2.5 ENC Scales and Usage Bands
2.5.1 HD ENCs
2.5.2 Example ol Usage Bands
2.5.3 ENC Review
2.6 ENC Management and Installation
2.7 ENC Updates
2.7.1 Chart Subscription Expiry
2.8 CATZOC Review
2.9 Pick Reports
2.10 Other Considerations
3 Planning the Voyage
3.1 Display Configuration
3.2 Route Creation
3.2.1 New Route
3.2.2 Adding Waypoints
3.2.3 Adjusting Waypoints
3.2.4 Route Table
3.3 Mariner-added Objects
3.6 Manual ENC Updates
3.5 Route Check
3.5.1 Configuration of the Route Check
3.5.2 Conducting the Route Check
3.5.3 Manual (Visual) Check
3.6 Route Management and the Voyage Ran
3.7 Master's Approval and Bridge Team Briefing
6 Execution
5 Monitoring
5.1 ECDIS Handover
5.2 Position Monitoring
5.2.1 Verification Frequency
5.3 Other Watchkeeping Considerations
5.3.1 Waypoint Passing Criteria
5.3.2 Magnetic Compass
5.3.3 ECDIS Safety Settings and Change of Orders
5.3.4 Alarms and Alerts
5.4 Managing the ETA
5.5 ARPA and AIS Overlay
5.5.1 Radar Information
5.5.2 Chart Radar
5.5.3 AIS Integration with ECOIS
5.5.4 AIS Aids to Navigation (AIS AtoNs)
5.6 Anchor Watch Monitoring
5.7 ECDIS Additional Functionality
5.7.1 5AR Patterns
5.7.2 Man Overboard (MOB)
5.8 Logbook and ECOIS Voyage Recording
5.9 Sensor Failure
5.9.1 Heading and Speed Failure
5.9.2 GNSS Failure
5.9.3 Other Sensor Failure
5.10 ECDIS Failure
5.10.1 Software and Hardware Failure
5.11 Cyber Security
5.11.1 Security Drill - ECDIS Cyber Security
5.12 Port State Control and Audits
5.13 Pilotage Considerations
5.14 Effective Monitoring
A ECDIS Checklists
ECDIS Operator Familiarisation Checklist
ECDIS Appraisal and Planning Checklist
ECDIS Pre-sailing Checklist
ECDIS Safety Settings Checklist
ECDIS Handover Checklist
ECDIS Failure Checklist
GNSS Failure Checklist
Anchorage Checklist
В IMO: ‘ECDIS - Guidance for Good Practice
С ECDIS-related Extracts from U.S. Chart No. 1
Positions, Distances, Directions. Compass
Natural Features
Cultural Features
Tides, Currents
Nature of the Seabed
Rocks, Wrecks, Obstructions and Aquaculture
Offshore Installations
Tracks, Routes
Areas, Limits
Buoys, Beacons
Fog Signals
Radar, Radio, Satellite Navigation Systems
D Display Options
S-63 Error Codes and Explanations
Objects Associated with the Question Mark Symbol

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