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Safety with Skuld. A loss prevention guide for seafarers/Руководство по предотвращению потерь

Артикул: 00-01095018
в желания В наличии
Год: 2024
Формат: А5 (148x210 мм)
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 122
Вес: 154 г
1700 P

Книга на английском языке
This booklet is intended to be a guide for seafarers serving on board our members' vessels who want to learn about what we, Skuld, as their global marine insurer can offer and how they can contribute to reducing any damage or loss to people, the environment, the vessel, and her cargo.
Skuld offers Mutual P&l insurance, Commercial fixed P&l, Yacht liability cover, Charterers' liability and more through our Skuld office network. Protection & Indemnity (P&l) is Skuld's largest line of business. The P&l cover protects our members against third party losses and liabilities and gives access to the professional services offered by Skuld's experienced teams. Skuld is a leading provider of Hull and Machinery (H&M) insurance, and associated covers, to shipowners around the world. H&M insurance covers physical damage to the vessel.
This guide provides insights into various marine risks which are laid out in separate sections. In addition to looking at major risks against which our shipowners are insured, we also want to provide some simple advice to help you to protect your crew and ship, as well as saving everybody a lot of trouble. As a seafarer you also help the vessel's owners. Reduced losses mean reduced insurance premiums for the shipowner. Everybody benefits if everyone is doing the right thing at the right time.

Safely with Skuld
1 Glossary
About P&l
About additional insurance cover About H&M
2 Safety culture
Skuld's experience
How can you help
3 Cyber safety
Skuld's experience
How can you help
4 Smuggling
Skuld's experience
How can you help
5 Crew health
Physical health
Mental health
Drugs and alcohol
Skuld's experience
How can you help
6 Human fatigue
Skuld's experience
How can you help
7 People claims
Illness cases
Skuld's experience
How can you help
9 Personal injury
Skuld's experience
How can you help
10 Investigating and reporting incidents
How can you help
11 Stowaways
Skuld's experience
How can you help
11 Rescue at sea
Skuld's experience
How can you help
12 Cargo claims
Damage to cargo
Skuld's experience
How can you help
Shortage of cargo
Skuld's experience
How can you help
14 Pollution
Pollution by vessels - MARPOL regulation
Skuld's experience
How can you help
14 Important rules for vessels carrying persistent oils
15 Fines
What are fines?
Fines in shipping
Skuld's experience
How can you help
16 Contact damage
What is contact damage?
Collision with another vessel (RDC)
Contact with a Fixed or Floating Object (FFO)
Skuld's experience
How can you help
17 Freight, Defence and Demurrage (FD&D) insurance
What is FD&D insurance?
How can you help
18 Skuld-your global marine insurer
Loss Prevention
Skuld Emergency Numbers 24/7

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