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Recommendations for Cargo Control Room HMI/Рекомендации для HMI диспетчерской грузовых операций

Артикул: 00-01093144
в желания В наличии
Издательство: SIGTTO (все книги издательства)
Серия: Human Element Series (Все книги серии)
ISBN: 978-1-85609-996-7
Год: 2021
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 41
Вес: 100 г
980 P

Книга на английском языке
This document recommends the application of ergonomic design principles to the human-machine interface (HMI) in cargo control rooms (CCRs) on gas carriers. The effective design of displays enhances the usability of systems and equipment. It reduces human error, enhances situational awareness and supports safe and effective monitoring and control under normal and abnormal modes of operation.
This document builds on Recommendations for Designing Cargo Control Rooms1, which recommends a humancentred approach to the design of CCRs. This includes defining the operational philosophy, role requirements and operational tasks to facilitate a clear understanding of the information and control functions required by the operator for each task. Recommendations for Cargo Control Room HMI builds on this understanding and recommends a design process that ensures the HMI supports the operator, allowing safe and effective operation of the system.

Part – 1 Introduction
1. Introduction
2. Scope
3. Introduction to Cargo Control Room HMI Design
4. Key Publications
Part – 2 Recommendations
5. HMI Design Process
6. Further Guidance
Annex 1 – Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations
Annex 2 – Reference List

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