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The Truth About Cruise Ships. A Cruise Ship Officer Survives the Work, Adventure, Alcohol, and Sex of Ship Life/Правда о круизных лайнерах. Офицер круизного лайнера о работе, приключениях, алкоголе и сексуальной жизни на корабле

Артикул: 00-01092201
в желания В наличии
Автор: J. Herring
ISBN: 978-0981843612
Год: 2011
Формат: А5 (148x210 мм)
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 318
Вес: 397 г
1200 P

Книга на английском языке
This is a behind-the-scenes look at cruise ships in a way that's never been done before. Some of the stories are shocking, some are enlightening, but most are just laugh-out-loud entertaining. This tour behind those "Crew Only" doors will reveal:
- How romance on a cruise ship is unlike anywhere else
- The insane things passengers do
- Why alcohol is mandatory at sea
- How nude cruises compare to Christian cruises
- What happens when things go horribly wrong at sea
Jay Herring was an American senior officer and one of the few who had physical access to the entire ship. He worked with every department and every senior officer, including the captain. His wife worked in the casino, and combined they worked for Carnival Cruise Lines for 10 years and sailed on over 503 cruises.
If you've ever wondered what happens below deck on a cruise ship, then get ready to laugh through an experience unlike any other!

Why Tell the Story?
1. How Easy Is Romance on a Cruise Ship?
2. How to Get a Cruise Ship Job
3. The Pros and Cons of the Highest Rank Onboard
4. The Consequences of Losing Your Virginity at Sea
5. How Much Can You Drink Without Dying?
6. What Sailing Through a Hurricane Will Do to Your Cruise Ship
7. My Biggest Mistake from Working at Sea
8. Ship Sociology—How People Really Act When No One Is Watching
9. How Safe Are You on a Cruise Ship?
10. How NOT to Break Up with a Romanian
11. What You Shouldn’t Do
With a Metal Dart on a Cruise Ship
12. How to Decontaminate a Cruise Ship
13. What You Shouldn’t Say to the Captain
14. You Won’t Believe the Things Passengers Do
15. When It’s Okay to Quit Your Dream Job

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