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Privacy at Sea. Practices, Spaces, and Communication in Maritime History/Частная жизнь на море. Случаи, места и связи в истории мореплавания

Артикул: 00-01092091
в желания В наличии
Автор: N. K. Kafer
Издательство: Palgrave Macmillan (все книги издательства)
ISBN: 978-3-031-35846-3
Год: 2023
Формат: А4 (210x290 мм)
Переплет: Твердая обложка
Страниц: 400
Вес: 1156 г
2600 P

Книга на английском языке
Explores manifestations of privacy at sea in the early modern period. Develops a theory of privacy as a spectrum of strategies to secure autonomy. Draws on a wide range of sources, from letters and travel logs to tattoos

1 Dynamics of Privacy at Sea: An Introduction to Privacy Studies in Maritime History
Natacha Klein Kafer
Part I Privacy, Race, and Gender
2 Black Seamen’s Privacy in an ‘Anxious Atlantic’
Charles R. Fov
3 Women and Children on board - The Case of the Carrcira Da India in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
Amelia Polonia and Rosa Capelao
4 Privacy in Recife, Freedom in Amsterdam: Juliana’s Practical Strategies of Autonomy Across the Atlantic
Natalia da Silva Perez
Part II The Private Under the Public Eye
5 Breaching the Cabin Walls: Madness, Privacy, and Care at Sea in the Eighteenth-Century British Navy
Catherine Beck
6 “Some Sly Corner”: Privacy and Sodomitical Space in the Georgian Royal Navy
Seth Stein Lejacq
7 Anchors, Hearts, and Crosses: Multiple Ways of Tattoo Usage by Seamen Philipp Schadner
Part III Politics, Communication, and Intelligence
8 Secrecy, War, and Communication: Challenges and Strategies of the General-Government of the State of Brazil in the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century
Hugo Andre Flores Fernandes Araujo
9 The Spinola System for Maritime Postal Exchanges Between the Madrid Nunciature and the Roman Curia (1645-1658)
Alessia Ceccarelli
10 A Very Secret Intelligence: The Parallel Espionage of the Republic of Genoa in the State of the Presidi Diego Pizzorno
Part IV Legal, Military, and Religious Perspectives from the Sea to the Shore
11 Seas, Galleys, and Laws: Antonio de Guevara’s Del arte de marear (1539)
Jose Maria Martin Humanes
12 “[They] Are Not of Any Service, Except for Wasting Wages and Burning a Lot of Timber”: The Soldiers of the Guard of the Royal Shipyard of Barcelona (1575-1600)
A. Jorge Aguilera-Lopez
13 The Eastern Adriatic and Privacy in Sixteenth-Centurv Italian Travel Narratives
Jelena Bakic
Part V Epilogue
14 Pockets of Privacy in the Maritime World: An Epilogue
Mette Birkedal Bruun and Natacha Klein Kafer

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