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British Pacific Fleet 1944-45: The Royal Navy in the downfall of Japan/Британский Тихоокеанский флот в 1944-45 гг: Королевский флот в борьбе с Японией

Артикул: 00-01091804
в желания В наличии
Автор: B. L. Herder
Издательство: Osprey Publishing (все книги издательства)
Место издания: Oxford
ISBN: 978-1472856777
Год: 2023
Формат: А4 (210x290 мм)
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 80
Вес: 186 г
2500 P

Книга на английском языке
An illustration-packed new account of the powerful Royal Navy fleet that fought alongside the US Navy throughout the last year of the Pacific War.
The British Pacific Fleet was the Royal Navy's primary contribution to the direct defeat of Japan in 1945, and is among the most powerful fleets Britain has ever sent into action. With naval supremacy in home waters achieved by 1944, many of the best and most modern ships in the Royal Navy could be sent to the Pacific, including battleships, submarines, light forces, replenishment groups, and shore establishment. However, the main striking force was the fast carrier force.
Illustrated throughout with dramatic new artwork, 3D diagrams, maps and archive photos, this book explains how the Royal Navy joined the Pacific carrier war, and how the fleet adopted the US Navy's ruthlessly effective fast carrier doctrine. With ships optimized for short-range operations in the Atlantic and Mediterranean, the BPF had to rapidly adapt to the long-range, high-tempo warfare of the Pacific, and the story is often one of inspired improvisation. The BPF shared the US Navy's terrifying experience of kamikaze strikes, and famously its armoured carriers proved tougher than the US counterparts.
With discussion of the ships, their technology, how the fleet was organized and commanded, and how it fought the campaign, this book is a fascinating exploration of the Royal Navy's part in the victory over Japan.

The fleet’s purpose
The mission
Fleet fighting power
The Ships
Technical Factors
How the Fleet Operated
Doctrine and Command
Intelligence, Communication and Deception
Logistics and Facilities
Combat and analysis
The Fleet in Combat
Further reading
About the author&illustrator

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