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Ballast Water Management Convention and the Guidelines for its implementation/Конвенция по управлению балластными водами и Руководство по ее осуществлению

Артикул: 00-01091728
в желания В наличии
Издательство: International Maritime Organization (все книги издательства)
Место издания: London
Год: 2009
Формат: А5 (148x210 мм)
Переплет: Твердая обложка
Страниц: 248
Вес: 387 г
1500 P

Книга на английском языке
The Ballast Water Management Convention or BWM Convention (full name International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004) is a treaty adopted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in order to help prevent the spread of potentially harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens in ships' ballast water.

International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004
Article 1 - Definitions
Article 2 - General obligations
Article 3 - Application
Article 4 - Control of the transfer of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens through ships' ballast water and sediments
Article 5 - Sediment reception facilities
Article 6 - Scientific and technical research and monitoring
Article 7 - Survey and certification
Article 8 - Violations
Article 9 - Inspection of ships
Article 10 - Detection of violations and control of ships
Article 11 - Notification of control actions
Article 12 - Undue delay to ships
Article 13 - Technical assistance, co-operation and regional co-operation
Article 14 - Communication of information
Article 15 - Dispute settlement
Article 16 - Relationship to international law and other agreements
Article 17 - Signature, ratification, acceptance, approval and accession
Article 18 - Entry into force
Article 19 - Amendments
Article 20 - Denunciation
Article 21 - Depositary
Article 22 - Languages
Annex - Regulations for the control and management of ships' ballast water and sediments
Section A- General provisions
Regulation A-1 - Definitions
Regulation A-2 - General applicability
Regulation A-3 - Exceptions
Regulation A-4 - Exemptions
Regulation A-5 - Equivalent compliance
Section В- Management and control requirements for ships
Regulation B-1 - Ballast water management plan
Regulation B-2 - Ballast water record book
Regulation B-3 - Ballast water management for ships
Regulation B-4 - Ballast water exchange
Regulation B-5 - Sediment management for ships
Regulation B-6 - Duties of officers and crew
Section C- Special requirements in certain areas
Regulation C-1 - Additional measures
Regulation C-2 - Warnings concerning ballast water uptake in certain areas and related flag State measures
Regulation C-3 - Communication of information
Section D- Standards for ballast water management
Regulation D-1 - Ballast water exchange standard
Regulation D-2 - Ballast water performance standard
Regulation D-3 - Approval requirements for ballast water management systems
Regulation D-4 - Prototype ballast water treatment technologies
Regulation D-5 - Review of standards by the Organization
Section E- Survey and certification requirements for ballast water management
Regulation E-1 - Surveys
Regulation E-2 - Issuance or endorsement of a Certificate
Regulation E-3 - Issuance or endorsement of a Certificate by another Party
Regulation E-4 - Form of the Certificate
Regulation E-5 - Duration and validity of the Certificate
Appendices to annex
Appendix I - Form of International Ballast Water
Management Certificate
Appendix II - Form of ballast water record book
Resolutions adopted by the Conference
Resolution 1 - Future work by the Organization pertaining to the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments
Resolution 2 - The use of decision-making tools when reviewing the standards pursuant to regulation D-5
Resolution 3 - Promotion of technical co-operation and assistance
Resolution 4 - Review of the Annex to the International
Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments
Guidelines for the uniform implementation of the ballast water management Convention
Resolution MEPC.152(55)
Guidelines for sediment reception facilities (G1)
Resolution MEPC.173(58)
Guidelines for ballast water sampling (G2)
Part 1 - Sampling from the ballast water discharge line
Part 2 - Sampling from ballast water tanks
Part 3 - Sampling and analysis protocols
Part 4 - Sample data form
Part 5 - Health and safety aspects
Part 6 - Recommendation for a port State control ballast water sampling kit
Part 7 - Maintenance, storage, labelling and transportation
Part 8 - Chain of custody record
Resolution MEPC.123(53)
Guidelines for ballast water management equivalent compliance (G3)
Resolution MEPC.127(53)
Guidelines for ballast water management and the development of ballast water management plans (G4)
Part A - Guidelines for ballast water management
Part В - Guidelines for the development of ballast water management plans
Appendix - Standard format for the ballast water management plan
Resolution MEPC.153(55)
Guidelines for ballast water reception facilities (G5)
Resolution MEPC.124(53)
Guidelines for ballast water exchange (G6)
Resolution MEPC.162(56)
Guidelines for risk assessment under regulation A-4 of the BWM Convention (G7)
Appendix - Application to port State
Resolution MEPC.174(58)
Guidelines for approval of ballast water management Systems (G8)
Part 1 - Specifications for pre-test evaluation of system documentation
Part 2 - Test and performance specifications for approval of ballast water management systems
Part 3 - Specification for environmental testing for approval of ballast water management systems
Part 4 - Sample analysis methods for the determination of biological constituents in ballast water
Appendix - Type approval Certificate of ballast water management system
Resolution MEPC.169(57)
Procedure for approval of ballast water management systems that make use of Active Substances (G9)
Appendix - Approval scheme for Active Substances or preparations and ballast water management systems that make use of Active Substances
Resolution MEPC.140(54)
Guidelines for approval and oversight of prototype ballast water treatment technology programmes (G10)
Appendix - Statement of compliance for a prototype ballast water treatment technology
Resolution MEPC.149(55)
Guidelines for ballast water exchange design and construction standards (G11)
Resolution MEPC.150{55)
Guidelines on design and construction to facilitate sediment control on ships (G12)
Resolution MEPC.161(56)
Guidelines for additional measures regarding ballast water management including emergency situations (G13)
Appendix - Flow chart: Procedure for introducing additional measures
Resolution MEPC.151(55)
Guidelines on designation of areas for ballast water exchange (G14)

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