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Anti-Piracy Manual Shipmaster/Руководство по борьбе с пиратством для капитана судна

Артикул: 00-01090312
в желания В наличии
Автор: P(Peter) J.J. van der Kruit
Серия: Пираты и пиратство (Все книги серии)
Год: 2023
Формат: А4 (210x290 мм)
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 72
Вес: 167 г
1760 P

Книга на английском языке
A practical, legal reference work for the Shipmaster to help protect his ship and those on board against pirates in the Gulf of Aden and along a section of the coast of East Africa, in the official High-Risk Area (HRA).
This practical Manual, with a large number of uniquely numbered checklists, is intended for masters of ships sailing under the Dutch flag, who may encounter piracy during their voyage. From the preparation of the voyage to the final mandatory travel reports, the shipmaster are guided in their task. The core of this Manual is formed by a number of uniquely numbered checklists to make sure the shipmaster does not forget anything. Furthermore, a number of important subjects are discussed, such as the use of force, notifications and reports, fines, etc.
This manual is primarily for the shipmaster, but it is also recommended to all other seafarers and interested parties, such as ship managers, trade unions, educational institutions and the government. Additional info: This Manual only applies to the Gulf of Aden and along a section of the coast of East Africa, in the official High-Risk Area (HRA).

1. Outline
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Process
1.3. Shipmaster
1.4. Structure
2. Legislation and definitions
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Legislation
2.3. Definitions and terminology
3. Important rules for the shipmaster
3.1. Introduction
Article 6 Merchant Shipping Protection Act
3.2 Protective measures
Article 2.4.1 Decree (Information obligation in terms of protective measures)
Article 3 Regulations (Protective measures)
3.3 Duty to verify information from the ship manager
Article 2.4 Decree (Information obligation; shipmaster's responsibility)
3.4 Additional responsibilities of the shipmaster
Article 3.3 Decree (Responsibility of the master)
Article 5.9.1.b Decree (Requirements for the security team)
Section 8 Merchant Shipping Protection Act
Article 3.2 Decree (Weapons or ammunition safe)
Article 3.3 Decree (Responsibility of the shipmaster)
Article 4 Regulations (Weapons safe and transport cases with weapons)...
Section 9.7 Merchant Shipping Protection Act
Article 3.4.5. Decree (Further instructions for the use of force)
Article 17 Regulations (Team leader)
Section 10.3 Merchant Shipping Protection Act
Section 11.4 Merchant Shipping Protection Act
Article 23 Regulations (Retention period)
Section 12 Merchant Shipping Protection Act
Article 6 Regulations (Embarkation form, report forms and notification about the use of force)
Section 17 Merchant Shipping Protection Act
Article 20 Regulations (Administrative fine imposed on the shipmaster)
4. Checklists
4.1. Introduction
A. Checklist: Preparing the voyage
B. Checklist: Outside the high-risk area (HRA)
C. Checklist: Inside the high-risk area (HRA)
D. Checklist: Consultation between shipmaster/teamleader about use of force
E. Checklist: Notification about the use of force
F. Checklist: Reporting after the voyage
5. Explanatory notes
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Gathering information
5.3. Use of force
5.4. Notifications and reports
5.5. Overview of fines imposed on the shipmaster
Protective measures
No permission for private security personnel
End-of-voyage report
Notification about the use of force Schedule of fines
Annex 1 Recommended literature and websites

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