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Marine Coastal and Water Pollutions: Oil Spill Studies/Загрязнение морских прибрежных зон и воды: исследования разливов нефти

Артикул: 00-01090271
в желания В наличии
Автор: Edited by Frederic Muttin
Издательство: Wiley (все книги издательства)
Место издания: Great Britain
ISBN: 978-1-84821-692-1
Год: 2014
Переплет: Твердая обложка
Страниц: 134
Вес: 490 г
1980 P

Книга на английском языке
Based on the presentations made during the 4th International Workshop on Anti-Pollution and Marine
Coastal Water Pollution1, this book gathers together information on the impacts of oil-spills at a coastal level from different experts’ points of view, and from such disciplines as mechanics, mathematics, biology, economy and law.

Author biographies
Chapter 1. Session 1: structures, materials and the environment
Frederic Muttin, Daniel Priour and Rodrigo Fernandes
1.1. FEM modeling of flexible structures made of cables bars and nets
1.2. Oil-boom models and full-scale tests
1.3. Oil-Spill MOHID models
1.4. References
Chapter 2. Session 2: hydrodynamic modeling and diffusion of the pollutant
Frederic Muttin, Mario Ricchiuto, Imene Meriem Mostefaoui, Mohktar Kirane, Cedric Goeury and Jean-Michel Hervouet
2.1. Numerical anomalies in shallow water simulations, spurious oscillations, equilibria, super-consistency and mass consistency
2.2. A model describing the number of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in rivers
2.3. Numerical modeling of oil spill drifts for operational management of risks in continental waters
2.4. References
Chapter 3. Round-table 1: summary of structures and hydrodynamic sessions 1–2
Frederic Muttin
3.1. Objectives of the attendees
3.2. Topics addressed
3.3. Costs and complexity of available field measurements
3.4. References
Chapter 4. Session 3: biology toxicology and coastal sensitivity analysis
Frederic Muttin, Laurent Aprin, Thomas Milinkovitch, Christel Lefrancois, Helene Thomas-Guyon, Stephane Lefloch, Celine Duffa and Herve Thebault
4.1. Evaluation of the consequences of marine chemical accidents
4.2. Response technique for oil spills and environmental risk: toxicity of dispersant application in nearshore areas on Liza aurata (Golden grey mullet)
4.3. Sensitivity of French Mediterranean coastal zones against accidental pollutions caused by ships
4.4. References
Chapter 5. Session 4: economy and laws, socio-economic and environmental sensitivities, judical aspects, civil and penal charges for pollution
Frederic Muttin, Paul Fattal and Yann Rabuteau
5.1. Reflections on coastline vulnerability indicators dedicated to hydrocarbon pollutions
5.2. Liability and compensation regarding oil spills at sea: the case of coastal communities
5.3. References
Chapter 6. Round-table 2: summary of chemical and biological impacts, economy and laws, sessions 3–4
Frederic Muttin
6.1. Topics addressed
6.2. Socio-economic analysis of coastal risks
Chapter 7. Modeling a captive unmanned aerial system teledetecting oil pollution on the sea surface
Frederic Muttin
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Materials
7.3. Method
7.4. Approximation of the problem
7.5. Results
7.6. Conclusions
7.7. References
General conclusion
List of authors

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