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This edition of the admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals contains the latest information received by the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) at time of printing. This Volume is reissued annually and its publication is announced in Part 1 of the admiralty Notice to Mariners (NMs). During the life of the book important Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) updates are issued by Weekly Section V NMs, copies of which can be obtained from authorised admiralty Distributors, or from ukho.gov.uk/msi. Minor updates are not issued for the paper books but are available in the admiralty Digital List of Lights (ADLL). The more important updates to lights are also issued as NMs for the updating of admiralty Charts. However, it is emphasised that many alterations to lights, especially those of a temporary but operational nature, are promulgated only as updates to the List of Lights. The updates which have accumulated during the printing of this publication will be found in Section V of the Weekly Edition of NMs which announces the publication of this Volume. Also in this Section V will be a cut out “New Edition” note for pasting into the “new edition First Updates” box below. The entire entry for each light updated will be printed (including minor changes) and an asterisk (*) will denote which column contains an update. In the case of a new light, an asterisk (*) will appear under all columns. “Remove from list” will be used when a light is withdrawn. “Remove Fog Signal” will be used when a fog signal is discontinued. New and extensively altered entries are intended to be pasted in. It is recommended that a manuscript entry is made for all shorter updates. Note — Updates are not made to copies of the List of Lights held in stock by the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office or admiralty Distributors. Copies received from these sources must be updated from Section V of ADMIRALTY Notices to Mariners before being used.
Title page
Directions for updating this volume
Record of updates
Lights - Location and Light Numbers
Purpose of admiralty List of Lights
How to report new or suspected dangers to navigation or changes in aids to navigation
UKHO contact details
How to obtain admiralty Charts and Publications
Related Аdmiralty Publications and their contents
Аdmiralty Digital Publications (ADP) - admiralty Digital List of Lights (ADLL)
Аdmiralty List of Lights - Limits of Volumes A to Q
General information
Introductory remarks
International light numbers
National light numbers
Special remarks
Tabulated light information
Explanation - Lights
Nomenclature of lights
Range tables and diagrams
Geographical range table
Luminous range diagram
Light characteristics and co - located aids to navigation
Light characteristics
Fog Signals
Automatic Identification System (AIS) & Radar Beacons
Abbreviations & glossary
Maintenance Authority Abbreviations and Country Two Letter Codes
Abbreviations used in admiralty List of Lights
Glossary of foreign terms
Certificate of Authenticity