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Книга на английском языке.
Shipping is responsible for 90% of world trade. The design, equipment and function of ships are subject to constant evolution that intensified recently because of emerging sustainability and safety requirements, the changing patterns of world trade and technological evolution.
It is becoming increasingly evident that the Naval Architects and Marine Engineers of the future will be less tied to conventional ship types, will work in less deterministic ways and will have to adapt to market demands. Yet good understanding of the basics shall remain essential.
With the above in mind, this set of lecture notes outlines some of the Principles of Naval Architecture and some Marine Engineering concepts for use in concept ship design. The material presented can be used by undergraduate students or early stage postgraduate students of Marine Technology.
Table of Contents
Table of Figures
List of Tables
Lecture 1 Introduction to Naval Architecture
1. The ship design spiral
2. Ship types and mission requirements
3. Ship design parameters
4. Shipping regulations
5. The role of technology in green ship design
6. Questions
Lecture 2 General definitions and terminology
1. Basic Terminology
2. Displacement and tonnage
3. Fineness coefficients
4. Slenderness coefficients
5. Ship type characteristics
6. Questions
Lecture 3 Ship Main Dimensions
1. Introduction
2. Selection factors
3. Normand’s number
4. Statistical approach
5. Direct calculations
6. Practical examples
7. Questions
Lecture 4 The basics of ship hull form design
1. Ship lines plan
2. Determination of the hull shape
3. Section Area curve
4. Ship sections
5. Questions
Lecture 5 Basic ship hydrostatics and stability
1. Ship flotation and stability - the basics
2. Basic hydrostatic calculations
3. Simpson’s 1st Rule
4. Simpson’s 2nd order Rule
5. Curves of form
6. IMO Intact stability requirements
7. The inclining experiment
8. Questions
Lecture 6 Ship General Arrangement (GA)
1. Introduction
2. Additional considerations
3. Preliminary freeboard estimation
4. GA Examples
5. Questions
Lecture 7 Ship Structures
1. The ship structural design framework
2. Hierarchy levels and initial considerations
3. Ship loads
4. Still water loads
5. Quasi Static wave loads
6. Section modulus
7. Modes of structural failures
8. Structural design assessment procedures
9. Shipbuilding materials
10. Questions
Lecture 8 Powering, Machinery, and Equipment
1. A note on available energy sources
2. Basic engine types
3. Introduction to ship resistance
4. Ship resistance estimation using Holtrop method - example
5. Ship propulsion
6. Powering calculations (Continue previous example)
7. Ship Equipment and components - brief reference
8. Questions
Lecture 9 Ship weight Calculations
1. Ship Classification systems
2. Classification of weights
3. Preliminary Weight Calculations
4. Discussion on uncertainties in weight estimation
5. Questions
Lecture 10 Economic Assessment
1. Cost Categories
2. Economic key performance indicators (KPIs)
3. Shipyard Practice
4. The shipbuilding contract
5. Questions