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Dictionary of Shipping Terms / Словарь судоходных терминов

Артикул: 00-01050477
в желания В наличии
Автор: Alex Ivanov
Издательство: LLP Professional Publishing (все книги издательства)
Место издания: London
ISBN: 1-85978-073-3
Год: 1997
Формат: 13 Х 196 Х 269
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 230
Вес: 350 г
170 P

Издание на английском языке
Practically all the documents in shipping (bills of lading, charter parties, loan agreements, memoranda of agreement in sale and purchase, etc.) are made in English which is also normally the language of correspondence and communication.
Until now there has been no specialized Russian-English or English-Russian dictionary of shipping terms.
This dictionary is the first of its kind. It comprises more than 4,000 carefully selected terms and expressions and a list of the more frequently used abbreviations comprehensively covering the shipping business, including: vessel types and ship parts, navigation, ports and their equipment, types of cargo, cargo gear and cargo operations, damage and repairs, chartering, insurance, operation and management, sale and purchase, mortgage, marine law and litigation, finance and accountancy, ship finance, agency, etc.
The aim in compiling this dictionary has been to provide a comprehensive but concise and easy to use book of reference for all those working in the shipping industry and its infrastructure in the markets of the countries of the former Soviet Union, and those doing business with them.

About the author
Symbols and conventions
Abbreviations used in the Dictionary
List of Shipping Abbreviations

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