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Marine Gravity/Морская гравитация

Артикул: 00-01050005
в желания В наличии
Издательство: Elsevier Ltd (все книги издательства)
Место издания: USA
ISBN: 0-444-41680-3
Год: 1978
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 314
Вес: 784 г
1870 P

Книга на английском языке.
Significant advances have been made during the past several decades in the knowledge of the earth’s gravity field and in the determination of geologic structures which produce gravity anomalies of various wavelengths
The advent of accurate sea gravimeters and accurate positioning at sea have made it possible to obtain reliable gravity measurements over a previously unsurveyed 70% of the earth’s surface. The development of the theory of plate tectonics and determinations of the inhomogeneous nature of the crust and upper mantle (from deep seismic-refraction surveys) provide new approaches to interpretations of gravity anomalies. Digital computers provide means for rapidly analyzing anomalies which correspond to complex geologic models. New developments in inverse methods for analyzing sources of observed anomalies provide sophisticated approaches for rapid determinations of simplified structures. Falling-body experiments provide highly accurate determinations of absolute gravity. Trackings of orbital paths of artificial earth satellites have led to an improved reference earth spheroid, and measurements with highly accurate satellite altimeters have indicated local geoidal variations at sea. Finally, harmonic analysis of gravity anomalies obtained from perturbations in the paths of satellites, in addition to those obtained from surface measurements, have provided global free-air anomalies of a wide range of wavelengths which are associated with structures and tectonic processes at different depths.

Chapter 1 . Introduction
Chapter 2. Gravitational Acceleration and Potential - Geoid and Reference Spheroid
Chapter 3. Earth Tides and Tidal Deformations
Chapter 4. Interior Structures and Processes - Gravity-Relatedaspects
Chapter 5. Gravity-Measuring Instruments
Chapter 6. Gravity Reductions, Corrections, and Anomalies
Chapter 7. Analytical Methods for Interpreting Gravity Anomalies
Chapter 8. Marine Gravity Studies
Appendix A - Conversion Of Units
Appendix B - Numerical Data Concerning the Earth
Appendix C - Formulas for Computing Earth-Tide Accelerations
Author Index
Subject Index

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