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The Admiralty Shipyards. 1704-2014/Адмиралтейские верфи. 1704-2014 гг.

Артикул: 00-01049868
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Автор: Vasilieva S., Utekhina E.
Издательство: "AGT Communications Group" Ltd. (все книги издательства)
Место издания: Санкт-Петербург
ISBN: 978-5-905107-19-1
Тираж: 5000 экз.
Год: 2014
Переплет: Твердая обложка
Страниц: 224
Вес: 2028 г
2200 P

Издание на английском языке
This book is a publication celebrating the 310th anniversary of the Admiralty Shipyards, which recounts the history of the well-known Russian company since the foundation of the Admiralty House and creation of the Russian Fleet. The book covers a wide range of business activities of the company: naval and civilian shipbuilding, deep-diving and undewater vehicle construction, as well as company’s contribution to the building of cultural monuments and attractions, which St. Petersburg can boast. A significant part of the book is dedicated to the modern-day enterprise, whose team of experts continues adopting new technologies. The publication is available in Russian and English, it contains more than four hundred illustrations and is addressed to a wide circle of readers.

For the 310th Anniversary
Introduction. “let there be sea vessels!”
Part I. Good work for the fatherland
Chapter 1. Warships for Russian Glory
Chapter 2. Foundations of the Country’s Submarine Fleet
Chapter 3. Development of Civilian Shipbuilding
Part II. Across expanse of four oceans
Chapter 4. From Home Shores to the Ends of the Ocean
Chapter 5. Conquest of the Deep
Chapter 6. We Lay Down our Lives to Victory at Sea
Chapter 7. Prospects for the Fourth Century
The Enterprise’s Administration: 20th-21st centuries
Ships and vessels built by Admiralty Shipyards

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