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Container Ships/Контейнеровозы

Артикул: 00-01049710
в желания В наличии
Издательство: Witherby (все книги издательства)
Место издания: London
ISBN: 1 85609 296 8
Год: 2005
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 162
Вес: 406 г
2300 P

Книга на английском языке.
Another official publication developed and released by IACS - this one deals with the single deck container vessels constructed with the double side skin tanks, the passageways and double bottom in the area treated as the cargo space. These vessels are exclusively intended to transport containerized cargoes in their cargo holds as well as on the deck and on top of hatch covers. The publication starts with the intro, followed by the chapter containing the applicable classification requirements for periodical surveys as well as damage/repair; the next chapter provides some necessary technical background that is to be possessed by the people conducting the surveys; then there is a chapter addressing the survey preparation/planning/execution matters. The book also provides the important information of the failures of the structural parts and instructions on the repairs to be done. These Guidelines will be very useful for any surveyor performing the above mentioned surveys as well as to any ship owner, or operator, or even any crew member dealing with preparation of the vessel for class inspection and presenting all relevant items to the surveyor. The instructions provided in the book are really the ones to be followed in order to keep the ship safe.

1 Introduction
2 Class survey requirements
2.1 Periodical Classification Surveys
2.2 Damage and Repair Surveys
2.3 Voyage Repairs and Maintenance
3 Technical background for surveys
3.1 General
3.2 Definitions
3.3 Structural Damages and Deterioration
3.4 Handling of Defects
3.5 IACS Early Warning Scheme (EWS) for Reporting of Significant Hull Damage
4 Survey planning, preparation and execution
4.1 General
4.2 Conditions for Survey
4.3 Access Arrangement and Safety
4.4 Personal Equipment
4.5 Thickness Measurement and Fracture Detection
4.6 Survey at Sea or at Anchorage
4.7 Documentation on Board
5 Structural detail failures and repairs
5.1 General
5.2 Catalogue of Structural Detail Failures and Repairs
Part 1 Cargo hold region
Area 1 Upper Deck Structures
Area 2 Side Structure Including Side Tanks
Area 3 Transverse Bulkhead Structure
Area 4 Double Bottom Tank Structure
Part 2 Fore and aft end regions
Area 1 Fore End Structures
Area 2 Aft End Structures
Area 3 Stern Frame, Rudder Arrangement and Propeller Shaft Support
Part 3 Machinery and accommodation spaces
Area 1 Engine Room Structure
Area 2 Accommodation Structure

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