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Intact Stability/Статическая остойчивость

Артикул: 00-01049630
в желания В наличии
Автор: Colin S. Moore
Издательство: The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (все книги издательства)
Место издания: New Jersey
ISBN: 978-0-939773-74-9
Год: 2010
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 94
Вес: 217 г
1350 P

Книга на английском языке.
In this new edition of PNA, the principles of intact stability in calm water are developed starting from initial stability at small angles of heel then proceeding to large angles. Various effects on the stability are discussed such as changes in hull geometry, changes in weight distribution, suspended weights, partial support due to grounding or drydocking, and free liquid surfaces in tanks or other internal spaces. The concept of dynamic stability is introduced starting from the ship's response to an impulsive heeling moment. The effects of waves on resistance to capsize are discussed noting that, in some cases, the wave effect may result in diminished stability and dangerous dynamic effects.
Stability rules and criteria such as those of the International Maritime Organization, the US Coast Guard, and other regulatory bodies as well as the US Navy are presented with discussion of their physical bases and underlying assumptions.
The section includes a brief discussion of evolving dynamic and probabilistic stability criteria. Especial attention is given to the background and bases of the rules in order that the naval architect may more clearly understand their scope, limitations and reliability in insuring vessel safety.
There are sections on the special stability problems of craft that differ in geometry or function from traditional seagoing ships including multihulls, submarines and oil drilling and production platforms. The final section treats the stability of high performance craft such as SWATH, planing boats, hydrofoils and others where dynamic as well as static effects associated with the vessel's speed and manner of operation must be considered in order to insure adequate stability.

An Introduction to the Series
Determining Vessel Weights and Center of Gravity
Effect of Changes in Weight on Stability
Evaluation of Stability
Draft, Trim. Heel. and Displacement
The Inclining Experiment
Methods of Improving Stability. Drafts. and List

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